### Photometry and structural parameters for clusters and candidates in M31 ### ## -based on images from the SDSS and UKIRT/WFCAM- ## The correct citations for these data: -structural parameters taken from Peacock et al. 2009a -photometry taken from Peacock et al. 2009b This page contains 5 tables: -m31gc.dat -the master catalogue (table 1 from Peacock et al. 2009b) -m31gc.1.dat -all old clusters from the master catalogue -m31gc.2.dat -all candidate clusters from the master catalogue -m31gc.3.dat -all young clusters from the master catalogue -m31gc.1.struct.dat -all old clusters with measured structural parameters Description of the columns $1: the cluster name (from the RBC of Galleti et al. 2004 / Caldwell et al. 2009) $2: RA [degrees] $3: DEC [degrees] $4: classification flag from Peacock et al. 2009b (f) 1: old cluster 2: candidate cluster 3: young cluster 4: background galaxy 5: HII region 6: stellar $5: previous classification in the RBC v3.5 of Galleti et al. 2004 (f_RBC) $6: previous classification in the Caldwell et al. 2009 (f_C09) $7: aperture radius used for g-band photometry [arcsec] $8: total g-band magnitude of cluster [SDSS AB_mag] $9-$12: ugriz colours [SDSS AB_mag] $13-$17: error on ugriz photometry $18: aperture radius used for K-band photometry [arcsec] $19: total K-band magnitude of cluster [WFCAM VEGA_mag] $20: error on K-band photometry $21: the concentration parameter $22: the core radius (r_c) [parsec*] $23: the half light radius (r_h) [parsec*] $24: the tidal radius (r_t) [parsec*] $25: log10 of the core density (log_rho0) [(K-band solar luminosities)/parsec^3*] * in converting to parsecs we assume a distance to M31 of 780kpc The magnitude systems can be converted using the values of Hewett et al. 2006 u_VEGA = u_AB -0.927 g_VEGA = g_AB +0.103 r_VEGA = r_AB -0.146 i_VEGA = i_AB -0.366 z_VEGA = z_AB -0.533 K_AB = K_VEGA+1.900