Brian W. O'Shea - Local Group zoom-in gallery

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The Enzo code is frequently used for simulations of cosmological structure formation. As a result, it's often useful to have images and movies of various aspects of this sort of simulation, including the adaptive mesh grids. A variety of images and movies are available from this gallery.

The simulation used here was generated using version 2.4 of the Enzo code. The simulation is of a volume of the universe 128 Mpc/h (comoving) on a side, zooming in on the formation of a Local Group-mass dark matter halo. This simulation has a 1283 root grid, 3 nested levels of static mesh refinement (including refined particles as well as grid cells), and a total of 9 levels of adaptive mesh refinement. As physics, it includes collisionless dark matter and non-radiative hydrodynamics. Links to the movies on YouTube are provided, but you can also directly download high resolution mp4 versions of the movies via the links below the embedded YouTube movies. Movies were generated from individual frames using the ffmpeg tool. Note that images and movies that encompass the entire simulation volume, rather than just the formation region of this individual halo, can be found here.

Some potentially useful resources:

Attribution: if you choose to use any of the movies or images on this site, please use the attribution: "(c) Brian O'Shea (MSU) and the Enzo Collaboration, 2015"

Dark matter overdensity

Projection of baryon overdensity through a small volume centered on a Local Group-sized halo.

Projection along x-axis:

mp4 movie

Projection along y-axis:

mp4 movie

Baryon overdensity

Projection of baryon overdensity through a small volume centered on a Local Group-sized halo.

Projection along x-axis:

mp4 movie

Projection along y-axis:

mp4 movie

Baryon overdensity with grids overlaid

Projection of baryon overdensity through a small volume centered on a Local Group-sized halo, with grids from levels 5-9 overlaid.

Projection along x-axis:

mp4 movie

Projection along y-axis:

mp4 movie

Grid level

Projection of maximum grid level along the line of sight through a small volume centered on a Local Group-sized halo.

Projection along x-axis:

mp4 movie

Projection along y-axis:

mp4 movie

Temperature-density phase diagram

This movie shows the evolution of the baryons in the small volume centered on a Local-Group sized halo in temperature-density phase space over the age of the universe. Individual halo mergers (where gas is shock-heated) can be seen as ripples in this movie. Note that cells are colored by the mass of gas contained in them, with red and orange cells containing the most gas and blue and purple cells containing the least. Cells that are white have no gas in them at all.

mp4 movie