Ph.D. in
Physics and Astronomy
1977 - 1978
Fall Quarter 1977
- Philip Allen Gaubis
- Thesis: "Raman Scattering From Two Phonon Excitations and From Electronic
Nitrogen Impurity Levels in Cubic Silicon Carbide"
- Advisor: Priscilla Colwell
- M. S., Physics - 1974 - Michigan State University
- M. S., Electrical Engineering - 1969 - Purdue University
- B. E. E. - 1968 - General Motors Institute
- Edward Felix Grabowski
- Thesis: "A Light Beating Study of the Thermal Excitations of a
Bilipid Layer"
- Advisor: Jerry A. Cowen
- B. A., Physics - 1969 - Western Michigan University
- John Jesse Higgins
- Thesis: "De Haas-Van Alphen Study of AuGa2 Alloy Phase"
- Advisor: Peter A. Schroeder
- M. S., Physics - 1968 - North Carolina State University
- B. A., Physics - 1966 - North Carolina State University
- Barry Jay Thaler
- Thesis: "The Magnetothermoelectric Effect in Single Crystal
Aluminum and Indium at Liquid Helium Temperatures"
- Advisor: Jack Bass
- M. S., Physics - 1974 - Michigan State University
- B. S., Physics - 1972 - SUNY, Stony Brook
Winter Quarter 1978
Nguyen Truong Lam
Thesis: "A Calorimetric Study of
Cox Ni1-x Cl2H2O, Theory and Experiment"
Advisor: Harold Forstat
M. S., Physics - 1971 - University of Waterloo
B. S., Physics - 1969 - University of Montreal
Spring Quarter 1978
Summer Quarter 1978
Azam Niroomand-Rad
Thesis: "Studies of the Centrifugal Distortion Theory of
Triangular Triatomic Molecules"
Advisor: Paul Parker
M. S., Physics - 1971 - Michigan State University
B. S., Physics - 1970 - SUNY, Albany
Phillip Frank Schewe
Thesis: "Deep Inelastic Muon Scattering at 270 GeV"
Advisor: K. Wendell Chen
M. S., Physics - 1973 - University of Illinois
B. S., Physics - 1972 - University of Illinois