The portion of the Atomic Line List v2.04 utilized and included with EMILI is the property of its author: Dr. Peter van Hoof, and the information contained in the list is copyrighted material. Please see his disclaimer regarding its usage and limitations. The portion included with the code is included with his permission.
The code is not yet in a final state, and will be updated periodically to improve its utility and to correct errors. While the code is continually checked for errors, I cannot guarantee it is completely free of them at this time. You are free to use the code as you wish, but caveat emptor! Please acknowledge the use of the code with the follwing citation: Sharpee, B., Williams, R., Baldwin, J.A., & P.A.M. van Hoof, 2003, ApJS, accepted (astro-ph/0307053)
If you find the code useful, please let me know. I welcome comments and suggestions for improvement, as well as reports of errors you may find.