Interactive Tutorial about Diffraction Interactive example: Direct methods I |
Interactive examples
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In these interactive examples you should investigate the effect of
the amplitude and phase of one or two reflections on the electron
density distribution within a unit cell. The controls in the simulator window allow you to choose one or two reflection, their amplitude and phase angle. All calculations are based on a unit cell with lattice constants 10 Angstroem and 90 degrees, and use the reflection H,K and its Friedel pair -H,-K. Three diagrams will be plotted. The first displays the electron density distribution within the unit cell (the upper right diagram). The second and third diagrams display the electron density along two lines through the unit cell (parallel x at y=0 and parallel y at x=0, respectively). Start exploring and try to answer the questions below:
© Th. Proffen and R.B. Neder, 2003 |