TIME: 1:00 pm - 2:20 pm, Tuesday &
PLACE: 317 Physics-Astronomy Building (PA)
TEXT: Modern Astrophysics
by Carroll and Ostlie
- Suplementary texts:
- Introductory Astronomy & Astrophysics by Zeilik, Gregory
& Smith
- Fundamental Astronomy by Karttunen, Kroger, Oja, Poutanen
& Donner
- The Physical Universe, An Introduction to Astronomy by Shu
OFFICE HOURS: To be determined.
GRADE: Your grade will be based
on your homework projects (50%) and a midterm and final exam (50%).
Homework problems will help you master the material presented in
lectures and give you an opportunity to apply it.
- Understand the basic physical processes that control the
structure and evolution of stars, galaxies and the universe.
- Become familiar with the fundamental techniques for measuring the
properties of stars, galaxies and the universe.
- Become aquainted with some of the current problems in astronomy
and astrophysics.
- Observing
- Coordinates
- Reading: sec. 1.3
- Fundamental Astronomy, chap. 2
- Telescopes and Detectors
- Reading: chap. 6
- Fundamental Astronomy, chap. 3
- Radiation
- Reading: chaps. 3, 4, 8, 9
- Fundamental Astronomy, chaps. 4, 5
- Homework #1 (ps file)
- Stars
- Structure of Stars
- Reading: chaps. 10, 11, 15
- Zeilik, Gregory and Smith, chaps. 10, 16
- Shu, chaps. 5, 6, 7
- Measuring Stars
- Reading: chaps. 7, 8
- Fundamental Astronomy, chap. 9
- Zeilik, Gregory and Smith, chaps. 11, 12, 13
- Evolution of Stars
- Reading: chaps. 12, 13, 15, 16
- Zeilik, Gregory and Smith, chaps. 16, 17
- Galaxies
- Milky Way
- Reading: chaps. 22, 23
- Zeilik, Gregory and Smith, chaps. 14, 15, 19, 20
- Shu, chaps. 11, 12
- Active Galactic Nuclei
- Reading: chap. 26
- Zeilik, Gregory and Smith, chap. 24
- Shu, chaps. 13
- Clusters of Galaxies
- Reading: sec. 25.3
- Zeilik, Gregory and Smith, chap. 23
- Cosmology
- Newtonian Cosmology
- Reading: sec. 27.1
- Fundamental Astronomy, sec. 20.4
- Zeilik, Gregory and Smith, sec. 25-1
- Shu, chaps. 15
- Measuring the Universe
- Reading: sec. 25.1, 25.2, chap. 27
- Zeilik, Gregory and Smith, chap. 22
- History of the Universe
- Reading: sec. 25.2, 27.2, chap. 28
- Zeilik, Gregory and Smith, chaps. 25, 26
- Shu, chaps. 16
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