PHY 231 - Introductory Physics I

CAPA Instructions: Units

Physical quantities can be measured in different units. For example, length can be measured in meter or inch (or many other units). Thus the unit is an integral part to your answer. The numerical value of an answer will be different for different units.

Some CAPA problems ask you to enter your answer in a specific unit, in this case a numerical value for an answer is enough. Some problems do not specify the units and you need to enter the unit you have chosen as part of your answer.

The CAPA system will first check the unit of your answer, then the number of significant digits, and then the numerical value. The CAPA system will inform you if either the units or the number of significant digits in your answer are incorrect. Incorrect units or number of significant digits will not count against your maximum number of tries.

Here is an example how you can enter units into the CAPA system:

16.7 Joules per meter squared can be entered as

1.67E1 J/m^2


1.67E1 J*m^-2


16.7 J/m^2


1.67E-3 J/cm^2

OR ....

Note the format:

  1. There are NO blank spaces in the numerical field
  2. Then there is a blank space
  3. Then there is the unit field, with NO blank spaces


The following table lists all units the CAPA system accepts and the symbols you want to use to enter them into CAPA:

Base units
name        symbol     quantity
meter           m      length
kilogram        kg     mass
second          s      time
ampere          A      electric current
kelvin          K      thermodynamic temperature
mole            mol    amount of substance
candela         cd     luminous intensity

Prefix      symbol     factor
yotta            Y     10^{24}
zetta            Z     10^{21}
exa              E     10^{18}
peta             P     10^{15}
tera             T     10^{12}
giga             G     10^9
mega             M     10^6
kilo             k     10^3
hecto            h     10^2
deci             d     10^-1
centi            c     10^-2
milli            m     10^-3
micro            u     10^-6
nano             n     10^-9
pico             p     10^{-12}
femto            f     10^{-15}
atto             a     10^{-18}
zepto            z     10^{-21}
yocto            y     10^{-24}

Derived units
name        symbol     conversion      quantity
gram            g      0.001 kg        mass
pound           lb     0.45359237 kg   mass
ounce           oz     1.77185E-3 kg   mass
hour            hr     3600. s         time
inch            in     2.54 cm         length
foot            ft     12 in           length
mile            mi     5280 ft         length
yard            yd     0.9144 m        length
nautical_mile   n_mi   6080 ft         length, nautical mile (UK)
astroUnit       AU     1.4959787E11 m  length mean earth-sun distance 
rood            rood   1210 yd^2       area, rood
acre            acre   4840 yd^2       area, acre
hertz           Hz     1/s             frequency
litre           L      10^3/cm^3       volume
newton          N      m*kg/s^2        force
pound_force     lbf    4.44822 N       force
dyne            dyn    1E-5 N          force
pascal          Pa     N/m^2           pressure, stress
bar             bar    1E5 Pa          pressure
mmHg            mmHg   1.33322E2 Pa    pressure, millimeter of mercury
torr            torr   1 mmHg          pressure
atm             atm    760 torr        standard atmosphere
joule           J      N*m             energy, work, heat
electronvolt    eV     1.6021892E-19 J energy
calorie         cal    4.1868 J        energy
Btu             Btu    1.05506E3 J     energy
watt            W      J/s             power, radiant flux
coulomb         C      A*s             electric charge
volt            V      J/C             electric potential, electromotive force
ohm             Ohm    V/A             electric resistance
siemens         S      1/Ohm           electric conductance
farad           F      C/V             electric capacitance
tesla           T      V s/m^2         magnetic flux density
weber           Wb     V*s             magnetic flux
henry           H      V*s/A           inductance
radian          rad    m /m            plane angle
degree          deg    1.745329E-2 rad plane angle (Pi rad=180 deg)
steradian       sr     m^2 /m^2        solid angle
lumen           lm     cd*sr           luminous flux
lux             lx     cd*sr/m^2       illuminance
becquerel       Bq     1/s             activity (radioactive)
gray            Gy     J/kg            absorbed dose (of radiation)
sievert         Sv     J/kg            dose equivalent (dose equivalent index)

PHY 231 || Capa Instructions

This document was last updated on 20 August 1997 by Thomas Glasmacher.