PHYSICS 183 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers I

Spring 1998

General Information

Lecturers: 4:10-5:00: Prof. Bernard Pope, 251E PA , 353-1695,

5:10-6:00: Prof. Norman Birge, 126D PA, 353-8746,

Lectures: MWThF, room 118, Physics & Astronomy (PA)

Recitations: The recitations have been replaced by numerous help room hours at convenient times where students can get individual attention. (A schedule of help room hours staffed by Physics 183 TA’s will be passed out separately.) The help room is B2 North Kedzie.

Textbook: Fundamentals of Physics, by Halliday, Resnick and Walker, 5th edition.

Course Info: Course information will be posted in the PHY183 display case on the first floor of the PA building. Important announcements will also be posted on the login page of the CAPA system (see below).

Homework: There will be 14 INDIVIDUAL homework assignments. That is, each student will have his or her personal set of homework problems. Students pick up their homework papers in class, and answer the problems using the CAPA -- Computer-Assisted Personalized Assignment -- system. Using any one of several hundred terminals on campus, each student enters his or her solution to each problem, which is graded instantaneously. There is no penalty for incorrect answers and each problem may be attempted as often as desired, up to a maximum of 20 tries. Credit is earned for ALL correct answers entered before each week's due date, which is Wednesday at 9:00pm.

Exams/Grades: The final grades will be calculated from the homework assignments (28%), the three midterms (14% each) and the final exam (30%). After each midterm exam, students will have the opportunity to do the midterm problems again using the CAPA system. The midterm grade will be calculated as original grade + 0.3´ (second grade – original grade). You can calculate your final course grade from the following absolute scale, which may be lowered a little but will not be raised:

³ 90%, 4.0; ³ 84%, 3.5; ³ 78%, 3.0; ³ 72%, 2.5; ³ 66%, 2.0; ³ 60%, 1.5; ³ 54%, 1.0.

More Detail: All exams are closed book. You are, however, allowed one 8.5x11 inch sheet of hand-written formulas, notes, etc. at each exam (no photocopies please). You will also need a calculator and a pencil or pen. You must also bring a picture identification with your signature on it to every exam. All absences from exams require a written excuse from your doctor, dean, etc. There will be no makeups for missed hour exams or for missed homeworks. If a valid excuse is provided, your grade will be calculated based on the other exams and homework assignments.

Physics 183 -- Spring 1998


Dates Topics Chapters in book Assignment

1/14 - 1/16 Units, motion in 1 dimension 1, 2 Set 1, Due 1/21

1/19 - 1/23 Vectors, motion in 2 dimensions 3, 4.1-4.4 Set 2, Due 1/28

1/26 - 1/30 Projectiles, circular motion, force 4.5-4.9, 5 Set 3, Due 2/4

2/2 - 2/6 Newton’s Laws Read 5 again!, 6 Set 4, Due 2/11

Exam #1 on Thursday, 2/12 (covers material through Ch. 6 or Homework Set 4)

2/9 - 2/13 Work and kinetic energy 7.1-7.6 Set 5, Due 2/18

2/16 - 2/20 Conservation of energy 7.7,7.9, 8 Set 6, Due 2/25

2/23 - 2/27 Systems of particles, momentum 9, 10.1-10.4 Set 7, Due 3/4

Exam #2 on Thursday, 3/5 (covers material through Ch. 10.4 or Homework Set 7)

3/2 - 3/6 Collisions 10.5-10.6 Set 8, Due 3/18


3/16 - 3/20 Rotation, rolling, and torque 11, 12.1-12.3 Set 9, Due 3/25

3/23 - 3/27 Angular momentum, equilibrium 12.4-12.8, 13 Set 10, Due 4/1

3/30 - 4/3 Gravitation 14 Set 11, Due 4/8

Exam #3 on Thursday, 4/9 (covers material through Ch. 14 or Homework Set 11)

4/6 - 4/10 Oscillations 16.1-16.4 Set 12, Due 4/15

4/13 - 4/17 More oscillations, waves 16.5-16.9, 17.1-17.5 Set 13, Due 4/22

4/20 - 4/24 More waves 17.6-17.12, 18 Set 14, Due 4/29

4/27 - 5/1 Fluids 15 No assignment

Final Exam on Monday, 5/4, 5:45-7:45pm (covers entire course)