Help for PHY 184
Time | Mo | Tu | Wd | Th | Fr |
8:00-8:50 | | | | | 8:00 CAPA DEADLINE |
9:00-9:10 | W115CYC | 209PA | B2NK | B2NK | |
10:20-11:10 | W115CYC | 209PA | B2NK | B2NK | |
11:30-12:20 | | 209PA | B2NK | B2NK | |
12:40-1:30 | Lecture | Lecture | Lec/B2NK | Lec/B2NK | |
1:50-2:40 | Lecture | Lecture | Lecture | Lec/B2NK | |
3:00-3:50 | | 209PA | B2NK | B2NK | |
4:10-5:00 | | | B2NK | B2NK | |
5:10-6:00 | | | B2NK | B2NK | |
6:00-7:00 | | | B2NK | | |
| | | | | |
8:00-9:00 | ALN | | ALN | ALN | |
9:00-10:00 | ALN | | ALN | ALN | |
10:00-11:00 | ALN | ALN | ALN | ALN | |
11:00-12:00 | | ALN | | ALN | |
B2NK = B2 North Kedzie
209PA = Room 209 Physics & AStronomy
W115CYC = Room W115, Nuclear Conference Room, Cyclotron Building
ALN = TA's online at the ALN
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Last Updated Jan. 18, 1998, nedavis