General Course Information for Physics 184, Spring Term 1998

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

'Fundamentals of Physics' by Halliday, Resnick & Walker, 5th Edition, Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Office Hou rs
Fridays, 1:00 - 3:00 pm, W104 Cycloton, or by appointment 59672 ext 323

There are numerous hours scheduled for student assistance at the Physics Learning Center (PLC) in B2 North Kedzie and 209PA, where students can get individual attention. Help can also be obtained through the Asynchronous Learning Network
  • ALN on the internet.

    There will be 11 homework assignemtns, which are due on Fridays at 8:00 am. Students have the OPTION to use MSU'
  • CAPA system on the internet. Otherwise solutions are due at the end of the Thursday Lecture.

    There will be several quizzes during lecture, three midterm exams (with optional partial credit by corrections) and one final exam.

    The final grade will be based on the homework (30%), quizzes (7%), midterms (30%), and the final ex am (35%). 2% of the quizzes are bonus points.

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    Last Updated Jan. 08, 1997, nedavis