PHYSICS 193H                                                   Spring 1998

Honors Physics I - Mechanics

Class Organization:

The class meets on M,T,W, and Th at 12:40 to 1:30 PM.
On M, T, and Th there will be lectures in Room 120, Physics/Astronomy building. On Wed, the class is split into two sections for problem solving sessions (and an occasional quiz).  Students in section 1 will stay in Room 120 PA with Prof. Schmidt and those in section 2 will have the session in Room 275 Giltner with Prof. Cowen.


     Lecturer:  Carl Schmidt
                Room:         216A P/A
                Telephone:    432-0192 
                Office hours: Wed 3:00-5:00
                              Thurs 10:00-12:00
     Problem Sessions:

                Carl Schmidt  (see above) 

                Jerry Cowen
                Room:         1 P/A 
                Telephone:    355-9714
                Office hours: Tue 2:00-4:00
                              Thurs 10:00-12:00

     Grader:    Tatiana Zhukova
                Office hours: Thurs 1:30-2:30
                Room:         17 P/A


     Halliday, Resnick, and Walker
     John Wiley and Sons, Inc. (1997)
     5th Edition
     (All of part 1 and some of part 2)

Course Description:

Physics 193H is the first semester of a two semester physics course in Honors Physics.  It is intended for anyone who really wants to know how things work and who enjoys the mathematics necessary for a deeper understanding of the physical world.  The prerequisites are MTH 133 or MTH 153H, taken previously or concurrently.  During the first semester we will cover classical mechanics and waves.  Follow this link to the course syllabus.

Grading Procedure:

    3 Hour Exams                                      ~37%
    Quizzes                                           ~ 8%
    Problem Sets                                      ~30%
    Final Exam                                        ~25%

Problem Sets:

The best way to learn physics is to work out problems.  We will be assigning a number
of exercises and problems from the textbook each week.  Collaboration is encouraged on all the problems.  Discussing problems with others is a great way to learn, but don't just copy them or you'll regret it at exam time.

Office hours will be arranged for those who have questions on the problems.  In addition, sample problems will be worked out in class and during the weekly problem sessions.

No-Grade Quiz, Due Monday Jan. 19

Problem Set 1, Due Thursday Jan. 22

Problem Set 2, Due Thursday Jan. 29

Problem Set 3, Due Thursday Feb 5

Problem Set 4, Due Thursday Feb 19

Problem Set 5, Due Thursday Feb 26

Problem Set 6, Due Thursday Mar 5

Problem Set 7, Due Thursday Mar 19

Problem Set 8, Due Thursday Apr 2

Problem Set 9, Due Thursday Apr 9

Problem Set 10, Due Thursday Apr 16

Other Links:

This web page is maintained by Carl Schmidt.
Updated: 1998.05.14 (Thursday) 14:22:10 EDT