![]() Characterizing Materials Using X-ray and Neutron Scatteringby |
News (Last update: 12 November 1999) | |
are the data from Jan and Connie's excellent sample. The useful run from
the sample (which was La0.75Ca0.25MnO3)
is run number 6. Please use the same background run from the
PDFgetX example for background subtraction.
The scheduled class times are :
Welcome to the information pages for the graduate course PHY905-2 on characterizing materials using scattering, that will be held for the first time in the fall semester 1999. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Prof. Simon Billinge (email: billinge@pa.msu.edu) or Dr. Thomas Proffen (email: proffen@pa.msu.edu). Note that the course is limited 20 so don't wait too long with signing up ... |
Outline | |
Scattering is a fundamental tool of condensed matter physics
and chemistry used to obtain atomic scale information about a material.
There are a wide variety of scattering techniques which give information
about atomic structure, magnetic structure, atomic dynamics, electronic
structure of atoms, diffusion, surface information, phase and atomic composition
and tertiary structure such as particle size, shape and dimensionality.
Modern sources such as third-generation x-ray synchrotron sources and spallation
neutron sources give unprecedented power, extending the usefulness of these
This course will cover the basics of diffraction and scattering with an emphasis placed on gaining an intuitive understanding of the scattering process. We will give an overview of the kinds of problems in materials science which can be studied using scattering, and the scattering techniques themselves. Students will carry out detailed case-studies on selected problems. The course will make extensive use of computer simulation techniques keeping to a minimum the amount of mathematical formalism which is required. Emphasis will be placed on modern neutron and synchrotron based approaches. |
Course contents | |
Prerequisites | |
None. However, a working knowledge of mathematics and computer use is useful. | |
Links to further information | |
Here is a (still growing) list of links to scattering related
information, programs and synchrotron and neutron sources.
© Th. Proffen, 1999 |