Syllabus for ISP209
Spring 1999
Lecturer: Prof. Carl Bromberg, (best to reach me) E-mail:, Office: Rm. 251/255PA, Phone: 353-1809, Office hrs.: Tues.&Thurs., 9:00-10:00 am, Thurs. 4:00-5:00 pm; or by appointment.
TA: Tim McCaskey, E-mail:, Phone: 355-7033 Office hrs: Tues. 10:00 am-12:00 pm, Wed. 3:00-5:00 pm, in 224PA anteroom.
TA: Justin Church, E-mail:, Phone: 324-4330 Office hrs: Thurs. 10:00 am-12:00 pm, in 224PA anteroom.
- Tues. and Thurs., at 2:40-4:00 pm in room 118PA (see Course Schedule). Attendance (only twice each week) is required and is essential for effective learning. Not attending lecture will result in penalties (see grading policies below).
Required Course Pack & Tools:
- The required Course Pack is available only at the MSU bookstore (on campus at the International Center): "The Elastic Universe", Spring Semester 1999 (yellow cover); buy a 3-ring binder! If the bookstore has run out of copies, they can be ordered (48hr. wait) from the Paper Image, Hanna Plaza, 4790 S. Hagadorn, 351-4321.
- A calculator with scientific notation may be needed. Algebra is required and trigonometry may be used. You can find a review of scientific notation in Ch. 1, and algebra of units in Ch. 3. Metric units of length (m, cm, mm) and mass (kg), are used in most cases.
Course Topics:
- Course covers the topics shown in the Course Schedule (on the back of this sheet).
- Lecture topics are also Course Pack chapter titles and Reading Assignments.
- All topics, presented in the Course Pack and lecture, may appear on an exam.
Homework (HW):
- There are 14 homework assignments as indicated in the Course Schedule.
- Standardized Homework Answer Sheets are included at the back of the Course Pack and they are due at 2:40 PM in 118PA on the dates shown. Homework (see below) submissions must be on these standardized sheets.
Exams/In-class questions & Grades (Please take alternate seats during a Exam)
- Students must pick up a personalized "bubble sheet" at the beginning, and returned at the end, of each class. A few multiple choice questions (1 point each), based on the reading or homework may be asked during class. Class attendance is required. Missing class will result in a penalty of 2-points from the course point total.
- Four 30-minute exams (20 points each) will be given at the end of lecture on the dates indicated in the Course Schedule. Each exam covers the chapters indicated.
- There is a 2 hr. final exam (for a total of 150 points)
- Documented (in writing) medical (or other) excuses for missing up to one exam, one class, and one homework, will be accepted up to one week following the absence; the final exam score will be used to compensate for an excused absence.
- Homework and grades: Homework is not optional! For each homework assignment that is missed, late, or incomplete, 2-points will be deducted from your point total. All homework must be completed, and submitted before the last day of classes, or an I-grade for the course may be given.
- Grades are "curved" with the mean point score (out of ~200) receiving a 3.0 grade.
ISP209 Schedule
Spring 1999