To view your EXAM SCORES choose the option
"E=view Exam summary" from the main capa menu.
Exams are scored as 3 points per question.
Qualitative questions are scored as
3 points for 3/3 correct, 1 point for 2/3 correct.
Exam I: Average was 64%; 10 students scored 100%. (Question 8 was dropped, so maximum possible=30 points)
Exam II: Average was 17.8 = 54% (Ouch!); 6 students scored 100%. (Maximum possible=33 points.
Because of its degree of difficulty, this exam will be counted on the basis of 30 points instead of
33. Your score will be multiplied by 1.1, and the average will be 59.4%)
Exam III: Average was 18.7 = 57%; 16 students scored 100% of the maximum possible=33 points.
Exam IV: Average was 17.5 = 53%; 5 students scored 100% of the maximum possible=33 points. (Because the
lowest of the 4 midterm exam scores is to be dropped, several students who had achieved high scores on
the first 3 exams elected to skip this one, which may explain the lower average.)
Exam totals: after dropping the lowest of the 4 exam scores, the average was 60%.
Students who were in class on the day of one or both of the quizzes attained an average exam
score of 69%. Students who were absent on both of those days had an average exam score of 47% -- further
evidence that it may be useful as well as tons-of-fun to go to class.
Final Exam: Average was 59%; 1 student scored 100% of the maximum possible=54 points.
Final Grades have been sent by e-mail.
Average grade for all 356 students who took the final exam: 2.96
Average grade for subset of students who were present for 2/2 quizzes: 3.6
Average grade for subset of students who were present for 1/2 quizzes: 3.1
Average grade for subset of students who were present for 0/2 quizzes: 2.2
To view your Quiz Scores choose the Display Quiz Summary option from the CAPA Main menu.
Quiz 1 was worth 3 points. Quiz 2 was worth 5 points, except for a few students who earned 6.
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