Section 1 |
Prof. Alex Brown |
Section 2 |
Prof. Alex Brown |
Section 3 |
Prof. Wu-Ki Tung |
There will be a help-room for the course
in 346 Giltner Hall. Teaching Assistants and Honors tudents will
be able to answer questions concerning the course material or
the homework.
The Hours of the help-room will be posted on the course website.
There will be two one hour midterm exams: on Monday, October 1 and Monday, November 5 starting at 7:30 p.m. On those days the exams will be given at common locations (to be announced) and the regular classes will not meet. Makeup exams due to class conflicts and personal exigencies can be arranged by contacting Professor Brown.
The two hour final exam is scheduled for Tuesday, December 11, 8:00 - 10:00 p.m.
In addition, there will be short quizzes given at the end of most lecture hours. The quiz will be based upon the reading assignment for that day or on material presented in the lecture of that day. There will be no makeups for the quizzes. To allow for personal exigencies, 4 worst scores among the quizzes, including absences, will be dropped in the final tally of quiz results at the end of the term.
Your grade will be determined on the basis of your performance on homework, quizzes and the three exams. We will follow the University policy on integrity.