Physics 972 Lectures
Fall, 2001

Source Abbreviations: A&M = Ashcroft & Mermin, MM = Michael Marder
8/27 Kinetic Theory Reif, Ch. 12
8/28 diffusion & random walk, Einstein relation Reif 12
8/30 Drude model: dc&ac conductivity, Hall effect, thermal conductivity, thermopower MM 16, A&M 1&2
9/4 Dynamics of Bloch electrons, effective mass, wave packets, holes MM 16, A&M 12
9/6 Boltzmann equation, relaxation time approx. MM 17, A&M 13&16
9/11 Calculation of conductivity from Boltzmann equation MM 17&18, A&M 13&16
9/13 Thermal effects: thermal conductivity, thermopower MM 17, A&M 13
9/18 Resistivity of metals: electron-phonon scattering MM 18, A&M 26
9/20 Electron-electron interactions, screening in metals MM 9, A&M 17
9/25 Fermi liquid theory, scattering phase space MM 17, A&M 17
9/27 Calculation of electron-electron scattering rate Pines & Nozieres 1
10/2 Intrinsic & extrinsic (doped) semiconductors MM 19, A&M 28
10/4 p-n junction in equilibrium MM 19, A&M 29
10/9 rectification by a p-n junction MM 19, A&M 29
10/11 Work function, contact potential, Schottky diode MM 19
10/16 The metal-insulator transition Mike Dubson notes
10/18 Thouless picture of localization in 1D Imry 2, Thouless 1977
10/23 Scaling theory of localization - 1D, 2D and 3D Imry 2, Abrahams et al. 1979
10/25 Finite temperature: Inelastic scattering and dephasing; weak localization Imry 2, (also Bergmann 1984)
10/30 Hopping conductivity in insulators Imry 2
11/1 Conductance by transmission: Landauer formula Imry 5, Datta 2
11/6 1D localization from Landauer formula Imry 5, (also Datta 5)
11/8 Multi-terminal measurements: Buttiker-Landauer formula Imry 5, Datta 2
11/13 Tunneling (guest lecturer: Frederic Pierre) Pierre thesis
11/15 Applications of tunneling (Frederic Pierre) Pierre thesis
11/20 Aharonov-Bohm effect, universal conductance fluctuations Imry 5, Datta 5
11/27 The Quantum Hall Effect Imry 6, Datta 4
11/29 The Quantum Hall Effect (continued) Imry 6, Datta 4
12/4 & 12/6 Student oral presentations