Physics 321 -- Spring 2002

Homework #1, due Wednesday Jan. 16


1. (3) Marion & Thornton: Appendix A, problem A-3

2. (3) Marion & Thornton: problem 1-9.

3. (3) Marion & Thornton: problem 1-10.

4. (2) Marion & Thornton, problem 2-5.

As you read and solve this problem, you will discover that it is badly worded. Let’s figure out what the author intended. First, we’ll assume that the plane’s speed is constant (due to a balance between the thrust of the jet engine, gravity, and air friction). Then we must realize that what causes a pilot to black out is not his total acceleration, but rather the net force on him exerted by the plane, exclusive of gravity, divided by his mass. (In free fall his body and blood accelerate equally, so there is no danger of his blacking out.) If instead we looked at the magnitude of his total acceleration, we would find that it is constant throughout the uniform circular motion, so part (a) of the problem wouldn’t make any sense.

By the way, you must draw a force diagram (the so-called "free-body" diagram) when you do this problem.

5. (3) Marion & Thornton, problem 2-9. Write the retarding force as –kmv.

When you are done with this problem, you should check that your answer to part (b) becomes the same as the answer to part (a) in the limit when the air resistance is small. Let’s do that and go a step further. Your answer to part (b) has a term that looks like ln(1+"stuff"). Expand the logarithm in a Taylor series to second order in "stuff". (See Appendix A.) The first term in your answer should be the same as the answer to part (a), and the second term is the correction to lowest order in k.

6. (3) Marion & Thornton, problem 2-14.

7. (2) Marion & Thornton, problem 2-17.

8. (3) Marion & Thornton, problem 2-25, parts (a)-(c) only. I suggest you do part (c) before you do part (b).

9. (3) Marion & Thornton, problem 2-32.