Still more sample questions



26.  Consider two stars.  They are equally distant from us.  Star A is blue and has an apparent magnitude of +3.  Star B looks yellow and has an apparent magnitude of +1.


a. Star A is bigger in diameter and cooler than star B

b. Star A is smaller in diameter and hotter than star B

c. Star A is bigger in diameter and hotter than star B

d. Star A is smaller in diameter and cooler than star B


27.  The Doppler effect can tell us


a. the age of a star

b. the speed of a star across our line of sight

c. whether a star is coming towards us or going away from us

d. the temperature of a star


28. When you look at the table at the front of the classroom, you see it because


a. it is emitting thermal radiation

b. it is reflecting light emitted by the overhead lamps

c. it has an emission line spectrum

d. it has an absorption line spectrum


29. Take an ordinary incandescent light bulb.  Shine the light from it through a cool, low-density gas.  Then use a spectroscope to split the light into its component colors.  In this case you will see


a. a continuous spectrum

b. an emission line spectrum

c. an absorption line spectrum

d. no spectrum at all


30. A telescope with an objective mirror 2 meters in diameter will gather ____ times as much light as a telescope with an objective mirror 1 meter in diameter.


a. 2

b. 4

c. ½

d. 16






31. The Hubble telescope has superb resolving power because


a. it is the largest optical telescope ever built

b. it has the best camera ever built

c. it is above the earth’s atmosphere

d. it observes only in the gamma ray part of the spectrum


32. Radio waves have _________ than X-rays.


a. more energy per photon

b. shorter wavelengths

c. a bigger blueshift

d. longer wavelengths


33. Which of the following types of light are mostly blocked by the earth’s atmosphere?


a. yellow light

b. radio waves

c. red light

d. gamma rays


34. A refracting telescope has


a. an objective lense

b. an objective mirror

c. higher magnifying power than a reflecting telescope of equal size

d. lower magnifying power than a reflecting telescope of equal size


35. Which of the following are all terrestrial planets?


            a. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars

            b. Earth, Mars, Neptune

            c. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

            d. Mercury, Mars, Uranus


36. Take the total mass of a planet.  Divide the mass by the volume of the planet.  The resultant number will


            a. be smaller for terrestrial planets than Jovian planets

            b. bigger for terrestrial planets than Jovian planets

            c. increase as you go outward in the solar system from Mercury to Pluto

            d. be highest for planets which have the shortest days




Answers: 26) b 27)c 28)b 29)c 30)b 31)c 32)d 33)d 34)a 35)a 36)b (that is density)