Review for exam, PHY301 - Fall 2003
Due: Nov 21

Write well commented and structured C++ code to do the following. You are encouraged to refer to and use any useful parts of the code you developed in worksheets 1->4.
The lab exam will be like this - you will have 1 hr
The lab exam is scheduled for 3:30pm Thursday Dec 4

PROBLEM 1. Find and print the sum of the first 200 integers.

PROBLEM 2. Use the trapezoid rule to evaluate the integral.

\begin{displaymath}\int_0^1 x^{1/2} e^{-x} dx
\end{displaymath} (1)

PROBLEM 3. Find the product of two matrices:

\begin{displaymath}A = \{\{1,2,3\},\{2,3,5\},\{3,4,6\}\}
\end{displaymath} (2)


\begin{displaymath}B = \{\{2,3,4\},\{3,5,6\},\{4,5,6\}\}
\end{displaymath} (3)

PROBLEM 4. Use the Runga Kutta code you developed to integrate the equation

\begin{displaymath}{d^2 x(t) \over dt^2} + b {dx(t)\over dt} + \omega^2 x(t) = f(t)
\end{displaymath} (4)

over a timespan of 10 seconds, for the case b=0.01, $\omega=1$, f(t) = Sin(t). Plot your result using xmgrace. Can you give a physical meaning to this equation and to b, $\omega$ and f(t)?