ISP 205, Quiz 6

For each question, the first answer is the correct answer.

1. An object whose gravitational field is so strong that light cannot escape is called a

A. black hole

B. pulsar

C. neutron star

D. black dwarf

E. dark nebula


2. How does the General Theory of Relativity describe gravity?

A. As a stretching and bending of the geometry of space.

B. As a force that acts from a distance.

C. As a law passed by the Michigan state legislature.

D. As a particle that travels between objects.

E. By the fact that light moves at a constant speed.


3. How did Newton describe gravity?

A. As a force that acts from a distance.

B. As a stretching and bending of the geometry of space.

C. As a law passed by the Michigan state legislature.

D. As a particle that travels between objects.

E. By the fact that light moves at a constant speed.


4. When were most of the hydrogen and helium found on Earth formed?

A. When the universe was only a few minutes old.

B. By the radioactive decay of uranium and iron.

C. When the Earth captured the Moon.

D. When the collision of the earth with an asteroid killed the dinosaurs.

E. In the center of the Sun after it started to have thermonuclear reactions.


5. How do we know that the universe is expanding from a very much smaller size?

A. From the combination of two of the other answers.

B. Because the velocity of recession of distant galaxies is proportional to their distance.

C. Because we see Cosmic Microwave Background radiation coming from all directions.

D. Because it has a flat geometry.

E. None of the other answers are correct.


6. The basic source of energy of quasars is:

A. The release of gravitational potential energy as gas falls onto a disk around the central black hole.

B. Matter-antimatter reactions.

C. High-energy particles escaping from the central black hole.

D. Nuclear reactions inside the black hole.

E. Nuclear reactions in stars.


7. The inflation model predicts that the geometry of the universe should be

A. flat

B. closed (positive curvature; 4D version of a ball)

C. open (negative curvature; 4D version of a potato chip)

D. it does not make any prediction about the geometry

E. obtuse


8. What force currently works to SLOW DOWN the expansion of the universe?

A. Gravitational attraction of all matter for all other matter.

B. The strong nuclear force.

C. The kinetic energy contained in the motion of the galaxies.

D. Reluctance of small investors to buy stocks even at today's depressed prices.

E. Electrostatic attraction between atomic nuclei.


9. The Principle of Equivalence as used in General Relativity says that that an observer cannot tell the difference between acceleration and

A. gravity.

B. deceleration.

C. time.

D. a falling elevator.

E. being inside a black hole.


10. Oops! You take the wrong exit on I96 and find yourself trapped $inside$ the Schwarzschild radius (event horizon) of a black hole. You use your cell phone to try to send a radio SOS message back to the AAA (who prudently have located their office outside the Schwarzschild radius). What will be the fate of that message?

A. The message will never emerge from the Schwarzschild radius.

B. The radio waves will emerge from the Schwarzschild radius with a huge gravitational redshift.

C. The radio waves will emerge from the Schwarzschild radius as gamma rays.

D. The message will make it to AAA but all of its information will be randomly garbled.

E. The message will make it to the AAA in fine shape with all information intact (but your call will be put on hold).


11. Why do we think that quasars are extremely luminous?

A. Their large redshifts plus Hubble's Law indicate very large distances, so they must be very luminous to produce the observed flux.

B. They are powered by black holes, which always are very luminous objects.

C. We cannot measure any parallax for them, so they must be far away and therefore very luminous.

D. Their high temperatures show that they must be more luminous than any stars.

E. We can see that they are much larger in diameter than any normal galaxy, so they must be much more luminous as well.


12. Based on the variabilty of the light, which is the best size estimate for the central light source in a typical quasar?

A. Similar in size to our Solar System

B. Larger than our Galaxy

C. 100 light years.

D. Smaller than a breadbox.

E. 1000 light years.


13. If we watch from afar as an astronaut falls into a black hole, which of the following effects would we $NOT$ be able to see even in principle?

A. The astronaut smashing into the infinitely dense material at the singularity.

B. The astronaut being horribly stretched out by tidal forces near the Schwarzschild radius.

C. The astronaut getting older at an ever-slowing rate.

D. The astronaut never quite reaching the Schwarzschild radius.

E. We could see all of these things happen.


14. If the universe has a closed geometry (positive curvature, described by the surface of a sphere in our 2D analogy), which of the following would be true?

A. It would be possible to construct triangles in which each angle is 90o.

B. Two lines which are parallel at a given point would never cross each other at any other point.

C. It could not be expanding.

D. It would have infinite volume.

E. Hubble's Law could not occur.


15. What is the source of the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation?

A. It is photons left over from a time when the Universe was denser, and was filled by hot, opaque gas.

B. It is emitted by stars in distant galaxies.

C. It comes from cold gas (3o K) at the edge of the universe.

D. It comes from the disk of the Milky Way.

E. It is emitted by supernovae in galaxies in the Local Supercluster.


16. Which of the following best describes the inflation model of the universe?

A. The scale factor increased by a huge amount in a very short period of time early in the life of the universe, then continued to increase at a much slower rate.

B. The universe has always been expanding at a roughly constant rate.

C. The universe first swelled up to an enormous size, then collapsed back down to the approximate size we see today.

D. The universe expanded to a large size very early on, and now is steadily collapsing back to a single point.

E. The amount that money can buy steadily decreases with time.


17. The Doppler shift, measured from the change in wavelength of emission or absorption lines in the spectrum of a galaxy, tells us

A. the velocity of that galaxy along the line of sight.

B. the velocity of that galaxy perpendicular to the line of sight.

C. the temperature of that galaxy.

D. the speed of light in the direction of that galaxy.

E. the chemical composition of that galaxy.


18. A fairly massive black hole appears to reside at the center of our own Galaxy. The evidence for this is:

A. We see from the orbits of stars very close to the Galactic center that there must be a very massive object in there.

B. We see gigantic radio jets shooting out from the center of our Galaxy.

C. When we look at infra-red and radio wavelengths, we see a full-fledged quasar shining away in the center of our own Galaxy.

D. We see periodic bursts of intense x-ray energy coming from the Galactic center.

E. Astronauts have been seen to fall into the black hole.


19. When we look over very large size scales in space, what is the distribution of galaxies and clusters of galaxies?

A. They lie on the surfaces of gigantic, intersecting bubbles.

B. They are smoothly distributed throughout space.

C. They form the centers of large spheres of completely empty space.

D. They all lie along one long line that connects back to the center of the universe.

E. The density of these objects in space gets to be less the farther you go away from Earth in any direction.


20. The Cosmic Microwave Background radiation is systematically slightly brighter in one direction and slightly fainter in the opposite direction. What is this due to?

A. Doppler shifting due to the orbital motion of our galaxy about the local supercluster of galaxies.

B. Because we are located near the edge of the universe, there is more material in one direction than in the other direction.

C. The universe is sytematically hotter in one direction and cooler in the opposite direction.

D. Dust has absorbed the CMB radiation from one direction.

E. The Cosmic Microwave Background comes from stars within our Galaxy.