Grading for the course is based on three parts: quizzes given each class, a midterm, and the final exam.
Class quizzes will be given at the beginning of most class periods. The quizzes are short (generally 5 multiple choice questions) and are based on the previous class period's material. We will have 10 or 11 quizzes over the course of the semester. Each quiz is worth an equal amount. The two lowest scores will be dropped before the quiz scores are averaged. The average of all of the remaining quizzes makes up 30% of the final grade.
The midterm exam composes 30% of the final grade. It will cover material for the first half of the course, including star identification and multiple choice / short answer.
The final exam composes 40% of the final grade and covers material from the entire semester. The format of the exam will be similar to the midterm.
The grading scale is a modified straight scale. The exact scale won't be determined until the final exam is taken, although it will be similar to the last time AST101 was taught. The following scale was used in Fall 2003 and should provide a good approximation of the scale for this class.
4.0 | 93-100% |
3.5 | 85-92% |
3.0 | 79-84% |
2.5 | 73-78% |
2.0 | 67-72% |
1.5 | 58-66% |
1.0 | 44-57% |
Attendance is not kept, as such, but makeup quizzes are not provided. If you miss a quiz, you receive a zero for that quiz and it becomes one of the two that will be dropped. In other words, you can miss two classes before absences effect your grade. If you miss a class, it is important that you become familiar with the material that was covered in your absence, since it will appear on the next quiz, usually the next class session.
Updated Aug. 31, 2004