Read up to page 70 of Ortega (2nd handout).
1. From Ortega, do the following Exercises: 2.9.1, 2.9.2, 2.9.3, 2.9.4
2. From your account on Gauss, enter ``xmgrace", which starts a graphics package. Here is a two column data set to help you get started with this package. Download this file to your local dirctory, call it something e.g. yourfile.dat. To read this data into xmgrace, from the drop-down menu carry out the following sequence ``file", ``read", ``sets", ``yourfile.dat". This should read in the data and plot it. the first column in the data is plotted on the x-axis and the second column is plotted on the y-axis. You can make cosmetic changes to the graph using the options under the drop-down option ``plot".
Use your program for the
cosine function, from worksheet 4, to find the estimate of Cos[1.2 radians] for
the number of terms ranging from 1 to 20. Save this data in two column
format and then plot this data using xmgrace. To print your graph, choose
the option ``device setup". Once in this area, choose ``print to file"
and the ``postscript" options, then ``accept". Once you have done this,
from the drop-down menu, choose ``print". This will
write a postscript version of the file to your local directory ( Then
use the unix command ``lpr" to print this file. Hand in a copy of your graph.
3. Add this week's commands to your list of FORTRAN commands.
Hand in a copy of your list.