Month Monday Wednesday Thurs./Fri. Topic
Aug/Sep 30 1 3

Intro 1.1-1.9 2.1-2.4 Intro+Motion in 1D
Sep 6 8 10

Labor day 2.5-2.7
(HW Set 1 due)
3.1-3.3 1D&2D motion
Sep 13 15 16/17

3.4-3.6 Review
(HW Set 2 due)
(HW Sets 1,2)
2D motion & vectors
Sep 20 22 24

4.1-4.2 4.3-4.4
(HW Set 3 due)
4.5-4.6 The laws of motion
Sep/Oct 27 29 1

5.1-5.3 5.4-5.6
(HW Set 4 due)
5.7-5.8 Laws of motion/Energy
Oct 4 6 7/8

6.1-6.2 Review
(HW Set 5 due)
(HW Sets 3,4,5)
Oct 11 13 15

6.3 7.1-7.3
(HW Set 6 due)
7.4-7.6 Momentum/Collisions & Rotational motion
Oct 18 20 22

7.7-7.9 8.1-8.3
(HW Set 7 due)
8.4-8.5 Rotational Motion/equilibrium
Oct 25 27 28/29

8.6-8.7 Review
(HW Set 8 due)
(HW Sets 6,7,8)
Rotational Dynamics
Nov 1 3 5

9.1-9.3 9.4-9.9
(HW Set 9 due)
10.1-10.3 Solids & Fluids/Thermal Physics
Nov 8 10 12

10.4-10.6 11.1-11.3
(HW Set 10 due)
11.4-11.7 Thermal Physics/Energy in Thermal Processes
Nov 15 17 18/19

12.1-12.3 Review
(HW Set 11 due)
(HW Sets 9,10,11)
Laws of thermodynamics
Nov 22 24 26

12.4-12.6 12.7-12.8,13.1
(HW Set 12 due)
Thanksgiving Laws of thermodynamics/Vibrations
Nov/Dec 29 1 3

13.2-13.5 13.6-13.10
(HW Set 13 due)
13.11-14.3 Vibrations & waves Sound
Dec 6 8 10

14.4-14.8 14.9-14.11
(HW Set 14 due)
Review Sound
Dec 15

Final Exam, 8-10 PM (Click here for location)

  • HW Sets are due at 10 PM on Wednesdays.
  • Exam corrections are due at 10 PM on Sundays following exams.
  • For PHY 231 midterms are held during lecture on Fridays. For PHY 231C, midterms will be Thursdays at 7:00 PM in Chemistry 138.

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