ESSAY (PHY 231C only)

  • Essay must be 2.5-3.5 single-spaced pages. If more than one page is taken up by figures, the length can be somewhat longer.
  • Essay should discuss how principles of physics affect technology for use in some profession. For example, essay could cover electro-cardiograms or mechanics of physical therapy.
  • Essay will be graded on two criteria:
          1.) Professionalism: Essay should be written in style of Scientific American article, at a level appropriate for your classmates.
          2.) The accuracy and relevance of the connection to principals of physics.
  • Essay must be submitted as either:
          1) email attachment to from MSU email account.
              Format must be HTML, Adobe PDF or Adobe PS. MS Word documents not accepted!
         2)Paper copy can be turned in at Final Exam.

  • QUIZZES (PHY 231 only)

  • Randomly given in lecture.
  • Students must buy clickers to participate.
  • Up to 5 extra credit points
  • Score based on 80% of possible, = 5*(quiz pt.s) / (0.8*possible pt.s), not allowed to exceed 5.

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