(baldwin@pa.msu.edu), Room 3270 BPS, 355-9200 ext. 2411
Office Hours: Catch
me in my office whenever you can… I’m
usually there from
Prerequisites: (AST 307) and (PHY 184 or PHY 184B or PHY 294H) and (MTH 234 or concurrently or MTH 254H or concurrently or LBS 220 or concurrently)
Textbook: Carroll & Ostlie, Modern
Astronomy papers on the web:
http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abstract_service.html (ADS abstract service)
http://xxx.lanl.gov/form/astro-ph?MULTI=form+interface (astro-ph eprint archive)
Homework: 20%
2 midterms: 20% each
Final: 25%
Term paper: 15%
Some Useful
articles and links, mentioned in class:
Gary Steigman’s “Primordial Alchemy” article.
Ned Wright’s Javascript Cosmology Calculator
Dark Matter, Dark Energy and Fundamental Physics, by Turner
Cosmic Structure Formation, by
PDF files showing Power
Point slides:
Density waves (1 slide per page)
Brief descriptions of Magnetohydrodynamics and Particle Physics (posted Feb. 23)
CMB Anisotropies and WMAP results (lectures from April 2-7)
Galaxy Formation (April 7-12)