The second exam will be on Tuesday, July 13th from 7:00PM until 8:15PM in the Vet Med Center room E100. The exam will be cumulative covering material up to and including the chapter on �Mirrors and Lenses.� However, it will concentrate on the material covered since the first exam. It will be based on both the readings and the homework. Some of the problems will be conceptual in nature and some will have numerical answers. There will be 11 multiple choice questions on the exam. However since your score is based on 10 questions, it is possible to get a score of 110%! Also, one of the eleven questions will come from the first exam.
A formula sheet will be provided and attached to your exam. You can review the formula sheet by going to the exam section of the syllabus and clicking on the formula sheet link. No other notes will be allowed in the exam.
You should bring a few sharpened number 2 pencils. You can use a calculator on the exam. Pencils and calculators will NOT be provided. Also, you should turn off all cell phones and pagers before entering the room.
If you are enrolled in 231c you should sit in the left or right section of the room. If you are enrolled in 232c you should sit in the center section of the room. Also, keep at least one seat between you and your nearest neighbor.
You will have one hour to complete the exam after all exams and answer sheets have been handed out.
The help room will not be open for the 6:00PM-9:00PM session on the evening of the exam.
Last updated: Wed July 7, 2004