ISP205 Lab

Schedule of Meeting Places for Final Four Weeks of Class


The schedule for the last four weeks of class is rather complicated.


Students in the Monday and Thursday sections should always go to 217 Bessey Hall during the three weeks in which computer labs are scheduled. Things are more complicated for the Tuesday and Wednesday sections, and each student in those sections should have received a yellow slip with a specific schedule. These were handed out during the lab meetings on Nov 8 and 9. If you have one of those slips, go to the places that it tells you to.


However, if you do not have specific instructions to go to a particular room, go to the one that is in the table below.  Note that for the Wednesday section, the meeting place has been changed since the Course Schedule was handed out at the start of the semester.







Nov 14

217 Bessey

Nov 15

216 Bessey

Nov 16

121 Chemistry

Nov 17

217 Bessey

Nov 21

217 Bessey

Nov 22

217 Bessey 

Nov 23

415 Computer Center

Nov 24


Nov 28

217 Bessey

Nov 29

217 Bessey

Nov 30

121 Chemistry

Dec 1

217 Bessey

Dec 5


Dec 6


Dec 7


Dec 8

217 Bessey