(2 hour time limit)
An opportunity for extra credit will be offered after the first three midterms and will cover the same material as the three midterms put together. The extra credit will take the form of an open book (and note) essay question.
Students interested in earning extra credit must set aside two consecutive hours of their time between 8:00 AM on November 20 and 6:00 PM on November 22. Students will have two hours from the time that they log on to the extra credit project in Lon Capa in order to complete the essay.
The project is open book and notes, but it must be the work of the student, written in his or her own words. Once the computer displays the question to the student, he or she will have two hours to complete the question. Logging off will NOT reset the clock or change the question (the 2 hour time clock will continue to run even if you have logged off). Although responses will be submitted in Lon Capa, the assignment will be hand-graded and the results will not be immediately available.
Students may read their question, log off and return later to submit their response (provided it is within the 2 hour time limit). The essay question is not expected to take the entire two hours to write. The time allotted is to allow for any technical difficulties with submitting responses. No additional time will be allowed.
There are 200 points possible on the final exam. The extra credit project can add an additional 15 points to your final exam score. For grade calculation purposes, the final exam will be based on a maximum of 90% of 200 points or 180 points.
Last updated: August 23, 2006