Instructions for Obtaining, Registering, and Using Clickers
- H-ITT hand-held transmiters (Clickers) will be used for in-class quizzes;
other kinds won't work.
- Clickers may be purchased at Student Book Store or the Campus Bookstore
for about $30. If you already have one, you can use it, but you will need
to register it again for this class.
- To register your clicker, log onto LON-CAPA, and click on the "HOMEWORK
SETS" link and then "SET 0", and "Clicker Registration"
and follow the directions. You should do this as soon as you have your clicker.
Click here
to see a picture of the clickers and how to find the serial number to register.
- Quizzes will not be counted for grading at the very beginning of the term,
but get your clicker as soon as you can. Most students already have clickers
from last term, and we will start using them for un-graded feedback before
we start using them for graded quizzes.