Study Guide for the Final in ISP 205, Section 2, Fall 2007

The test will be on Monday, Dec. 10, 8-10 PM in 108 Bessey Hall. It will consist of 48 multiple choice questions. The first 24 questions will be from material covered in the first three tests. All of these will be drawn from this linked list of old questions and answers . All of the questions on the old material will be drawn solely from this list. The 24 questions covering the old material on the final may not be verbatim, but they will be very similar. Please read the final carefully in case the specifics of a problem may be slightly different, such as closer rather than farther away, hotter than colder, etc. The list is now in pdf format to help make it easier to read and print. If this is not easier, let me know.

The second 24 questions will be related to the new material. An outline of this material is available. As usual, this is just an outline. The outline of the this material to be covered on the final will be ready sometime on Wednesday after class is finished. There is also the homework for the new material, and a quick 3-page pdf summary of the history of the universe