Physics 422 -- Fall 2007

Homework #5, due Wednesday Oct. 10 at beginning of class

1. [5pts]    Marion & Thornton problem 11.2

2. [5pts]    Marion & Thornton problem 11.3. The ellipsoid is defined by its boundary surface (x/a)^2 + (y/b)^2 + (z/c)^2 = 1.
Hint: If you like the straightforward approach, you can do the required integrals in x, y, and z. But if you prefer to take it easy by being clever, try substituting u=x/a, v=y/b, w=z/c; and then introduce spherical coordinates in the (u,v,w) space.

3. [5pts]    Marion & Thornton problem 11.11

4. [5pts]    Marion & Thornton problem 11.13

(Last updated 10/3/2007.)