PHYSICS 321 - Classical Mechanics I
Spring 2007
Set #7 (due 3/21/07)
(but note that
this section is on the midterm exam of 3/14!)
1. Thornton
and Marion, problem 4-1. You can solve
this problem by calculating either the force on the particle or the potential
energy. To get the answer in the form
shown in the problem, you must perform a Taylor series expansion of (1+y)-1/2
where y = (x/l)2.
Note that the rest length of the springs is l-d, not just l.
2. Thornton
and Marion, problem 4-2. Draw the phase
space diagram (xdot vs. x) right below the potential energy plot, as is done in
Figure 4-5 in the book. This way one
can see the correspondence between the two diagrams. No algebra in this problem, just a sketch!
3. Thornton
and Marion, problem 4-6.
4. Thornton
and Marion, problem 4-7. The pendulum
starts from rest at the horizontal position of x = x0.
5. What is
the asymptotic value of the mapping function xn+1 = 0.6sin(πxn)? x is restricted to the range 0<x<1 and
the angle is, of course, in radians.
(Depending on your starting value, it reaches it in less than ~10
6. What
are the two asymptotic values for the mapping function xn+1 =