Syllabus: Atomic
and Electronic Structure of Matter, PHY971, Spring 2007
Credits: Total
Credits: 3 Description: Atomic structure, bravais
lattices, x-ray scattering. Vibrations, phonons, neutron scattering. Electron in
solids, electron gas. Bloch's theorem. Metals, semiconductors and insulators.
Introduction to cooperative phenomena.
INSTRUCTOR: Carlo Piermarocchi, Room 4263 Biomedical & Physical
Sciences, Telephone: 5-2231 Email: Office
hours: Wednesday 9:15am-11:15am. Call or email to schedule an appointment at
other times.
Text: Ashcroft/Mermin,
Meetings: Monday and Wednesday from 11:15 pm to 12:30 pm in room 4270
BPS. The schedule of the lectures is here.
assignments: The course is organized in
the Problem Based Learning format. Students are required
to be engaged in group activities and take control of their learning process
during the class and in meetings outside the class. The groups are composed by
3 students. Assignments will be given as part of the group activity and will
count towards your final grade (group grade).
Exams: There will be two midterm
exams. If you miss one midterm and provide a valid excuse (a written note from
a doctor, dean etc.) your midterm grade will be the same of the final exam.
You will be given an individual project on a subject assigned by the instructor
or proposed by you. You will have to give a presentation in class and produce a
written report at the end of the semester.
Final Grades: Grades are based on the following formula:
% |
First Midterm |
20 |
Second Midterm |
20 |
Group Work |
5 |
Individual Project Presentation |
30 |
Individual Project Report |
25 |
100 |
The guaranteed
scale may be lowered in your favor but not raised is:
Total point percentage |
grade |
>93% |
4.0 |
88%-93% |
3.5 |
83%-88% |
3.0 |
78%-83% |
2.5 |
73%-78% |
2.0 |
68%-73% |
1.5 |
60%-68% |
1.0 |
<50% |
0.0 |