Article 2.3.3 of the Academic Freedom Report states: “The student shares with the faculty the responsibility for maintaining the integrity of scholarship, grades, and professional standards.” In addition, the College of Natural Science adheres to the policies on academic honesty specified in General Student Regulation 1.0, Protection of Scholarship and Grades ; the all-University Policy on Integrity of Scholarship and Grades; and Ordinance 17.00, Examinations. (See Spartan Life: Student Handbook and Resource Guide and/or the MSU Web-site .)
Therefore, except as explicitly specified below, you are expected to complete all course assignments, including homework, quizzes and exams, without assistance from any source. You are expected to develop original work for this course. Also, you are not authorized to use or facilitate for others the use of the Web-site, to complete any course work in this course. Students who violate MSU rules may receive a penalty grade, including but not limited to a failing grade on the specific assignment or in the course.
You can seek and provide assistance, including that in posts on the Loncapa site, concerning strategies in solving homework and partial-credit exam problems. You cannot give away, or seek others to give away, outright problem solutions, reducing the learning experience for the recipient of that solution to zero. E.g. you cannot post formulas on the Loncapa site that provide an answer upon subsititution. On the other hand, posting a formula there is OK if you want to specify the law that should be followed and there is more to the specific problem than just substitution to that law. If you are in doubt whether a particular form of assistance is acceptable in the homework and partial-credit exams, ask the teaching staff for the course. Posts on the Locapa site violating the policies will be removed; persistent offenders will be subjected to the penalties indicated above. Inappropriate posts on the site may be removed as well.
The final grade in this course will be based on homework, midterm exams, and the final exam. Each of these items will count as follows:
Homework: 20%
Midterm 1: 20%
Midterm 2: 20%
Final Exam: 40%
Note: Each of the Midterms will be followed by a Partial-Credit exam solved under Loncapa in the same way as homework. By solving the Partial-Credit Exam, the student may earn up to 30% of credit missed for the respective Midterm. There is NO partial-credit exam following the Final.
The final grade in the course will be assigned on a fixed scale as follows:
Grade ≥ 92% --- 4.0
84% ≤ Grade < 92% --- 3.5
76% ≤ Grade < 84% --- 3.0
68% ≤ Grade < 76% --- 2.5
60% ≤ Grade < 68% --- 2.0
52% ≤ Grade < 60% --- 1.5
44% ≤ Grade < 52% --- 1.0
Grade < 44% --- 0.0
Completing the in-class clicker questions can earn you up to 5% extra credit. You get 2 points for a correct answer and 1 point for an incorrect answer. A total of 80% of the total clicker points you will get the full 5% extra credit. You cannot get more than 5% extra credit.