PHYSICS 472 - Quantum Mechanics II

Spring 2010

Prof. Norman Birge


Office:  4224 BPS, 884-5653

Homework and Exam Schedule

Summary of Spin and Angular Momentum

Solutions to I-clicker questions

Summary of Physics 471 and Dirac Notation

Course Information

Office Hours:

Tuesday 11:00 – 12:00 and Thursday 2:00 - 3:30pm, or by appointment. 


MWF, 1:50-2:40pm, Room 1420 BPS

Required Text:

Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, David J. Griffiths, 2nd edition


There will be 13 assignments due on Fridays at the beginning of class.  The lowest homework score will be dropped when calculating your final grade.  You are welcome to consult with your peers when doing your homework, but you are responsible for completing the problems yourself.  Copying somebody else's homework is not acceptable.


Kaijie Xu, xukaijie "at" (office hours by appointment)


There will be 2 midterm exams and a final.  The dates for the midterm exams are February 8 and Wednesday March 24 (note date changes!).  The final exam is Monday, May 3 at 12:45pm.  All exams are closed book.  The final exam will be cumulative.


Homework      30%     Max. grade cut-offs:  >90%  4.0      >70%  2.0
Midterm #1     20%                                        >85%  3.5      >65%  1.5
Midterm #2     20%                                        >80%  3.0      >60%  1.0
Final Exam     30%                                  ����� >75%  2.5      <60%  0.0
���� ���������������These cut-offs may be lowered, but they won't be raised.

Course Outline:

Here is a tentative list of sections we will cover in Griffiths:

4.4, 5.1, 5.2, 6, 7, 9, and 12.