LB 271
(formerly known as LBS 164 "Introduction to Physics and Chemistry I")
- Physics I
- Fall Semester.
- 3 credits ( 4 hr lecture, 0 hr lab)
- Prerequisite: LB 118 or MTH 132 or MTH 152H or MTH 133
- Corequisite: LB 271L concurrently
- Restrictions:
- Open to students in the Lyman Briggs College.
- Not open to students with credit in PHY 183 or PHY 183B or PHY 193H or PHY 231 or PHY 231B or PHY 231C
Basic physics principles, problem solution techniques. Mechanical systems,
elementary thermodynamics, vibrations and waves. Atoms and nuclei.
{ Updated: 2009.07.07 (Tuesday) 10:19:58 EDT }