PHYSICS 215  -  Thermodynamics and Modern Physics


Fall 2011


General Information



Lecturer:           Prof. Bernard Pope,     3233 Biomedical Physical Sciences Building (BPS),



Lectures:           3:00 – 3:50 p.m.,  MTWTh,  Room 1420 BPS


Office Hours:      to be arranged.


Textbooks:        Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Fishbane, Gasiorowicz and Thornton, 3rd edition (chapters 17-20) (labeled FGT in the syllabus) or equivalent.

                             Modern Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Thornton and Rex, 3rd edition.


Course Info:     Course information will be posted at


Homework:      There will be a weekly homework assignment.  Homework will be due on Tuesdays (for the previous weekÕs assigned material).  Late homework will not be accepted.  Solutions to the previous weekÕs homework problems will be posted on the course web site


Reading:            Students are expected to read the chapters listed in the course schedule prior to each lecture.  In-class quizzes will often require an understanding of the contents of the chapter.  A re-reading of the chapter after the lecture is recommended.


Quizzes:             There will be unannounced quizzes during lectures, using the iClicker system.  Completing the in-class clicker questions can earn you up to 5% extra credit. You will get 2 points for a correct answer and 1 point for an incorrect answer. A total of 80% of the total clicker points will give you the full 5% extra credit. You cannot get more than 5% extra credit.


Exams:               There will be three Midterm exams and one Final exam. 


Grades:              The final grades will be calculated from the homework assignments (25%), the three midterms (15% each) and the final exam (30%).


More Detail:     Plan to spend about 12 hours per week on Physics 215:-

                                                         lectures              4 hours/week

                                                         homework         4 hours/week

                                                         reading               4 hours/week


All exams are closed book. All absences from midterm exams require a written excuse from your doctor, Dean, etc.  The MSU Code of Teaching Responsibilities states that any student not taking the Final Exam will not be permitted to pass the course.