Summer 2012
Physics 232c is the follow-up course to 231c. It is a non-calculus-based general physics class, recommended for a variety of majors, such as those pursuing a pre-med education. Topics include: electromagnetism, circuits, optics, quantum physics, nuclear physics and a brief coverage of elementary particle physics and astrophysics. This is an accelerated course. All material usually covered in a semester will be covered in the second half of the summer. The course starts July 2nd and concludes with the final exam on August 14th. In general, there will be two homework sets due each week with a timed online exam given at the end of each week. Every week during the session will require a significant online time commitment with a reliable high speed internet connection. The final exam will be a traditional paper and pencil exam taken either here on the MSU campus or off-campus with an appropriate exam proctor. |
Richard Hallstein,
#1253 BPS Building, (517) 884-5509
Office Hours: Wednesdays Noon-1:00PM
Help Room Hours (BPS 1248)
Mondays and Wednesdays: Noon-3:00PM and 4:00PM-8:00PM*
Tuesdays and Thursdays: 9:00AM-Noon and 1:00PM-5:00PM
Final exam day August 14 Noon-3:30PM
*Although the help room is open until 8:00PM on Monday and Wednesday evenings, the building closes at 7:00PM. If you wish to use the help room after 7:00PM, you must enter the building prior to 7:00PM
Questions about a specific homework problem should be posted using the "Post Discussion" located just below the homework problem. Although sufficient assistance can befound on some of the less complicated problems using the "Post Discussion" option, better service is available by working with other students and the graduate teaching assistants in the help room.
In general, there will be two homework sets due each week. One of these sets is due on Tuesday at 5PM and the other on Thursday at 5PM. The first homework set of the course is not due until Friday, July 6 at 5PM (no help room hours or online support will be availble on Wednesday, July 4 or Friday, July 6). Late homework will not be accepted:-- the closing time will be strictly enforced. Enter your solutions early to avoid computer/network woes close to the deadline.
At the end of every week, there will be timed weekly online multiple choice exams. There will be ten questions on each exam. These questions will be based on the assigned readings, online lectures and homework problems covered during the week. The time limit on these exams is 40 minutes; an additionall five minutes is added for electronic transmission of your repsonses. With the exception of the first week, these exams are taken at your convenience between 6:00PM on Thursday and 3:00PM on Friday. The exam for the first week will be available for you to complete online between 6:00PM on Friday, July 6 and 3:00PM on Saturday, July 7th. No extensions will be given.
The course material, including: weekly online exams, homework and recorded online lectures in the form of narrated powerpoint presentations with example problems are posted on the LON-CAPA website. In addition, there is a required textbook for this course.
A reliable high speed internet connection (i.e. not dial-up) is required; as is a computer with the ability to view flash video. Extensions for homework/exams will not be given for reasons like: "I could not connect to the internet", "I didn't have a reliable internet connection" or "the net was down at my parents place".
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Last updated: June 27, 2012