Physics 101

PHY 101 : Concepts in Physics

Course description: Conceptual foundations of physics - experimental and theoretical

Instructor: Professor Daniel Stump
Room 3222 Biomedical and Physical Sciences Building
Office Hours: Wednesday 2:00 to 4:00

Course web site

Grading will be based on the LON-CAPA homework assignments, and some written essays.

There is no textbook for the course. Lectures will be posted online at

Homework using the LON-CAPA system.
Log on at Use your MSU NetID name and password. Then follow the links to enter the PHY 101 webpage. Use Navigate Contents to go to the problem sets. Also, learn how to use the print command (PRT) to print a copy of your assignment on paper. If you need help, see a TA in Room 1248.

Computer access. Some work may require a computer. The program Mathematica is available at these microcomputer classrooms: Farrell Hall 106, Farrell Hall 105, Anthony Hall 1310.

Last revised Fall 2013