Spring 2014
Richard Hallstein,
#1253 BPS Building, (517) 884-5509
Office Hours: 10AM-11AM Mondays in the help room (BPS1248) or by appointment in BPS 1253
Help Room Hours (BPS 1248)
Mondays: 10AM-9PM 11:30AM-9:00PM(2/3/2013)
Tuesdays: 11AM - 9PM
Wednesdays on the weeks of our midterm exams: 5PM-9PM
The homework is to help you learn to do the type of problems that you will find on the exams. Don’t just copy someone’s answer without understanding it.
Questions about a specific homework problem should be posted using the "Post Discussion" located just below the homework problem. Although sufficient assistance can be found on some of the less complicated problems using the "Post Discussion" option, better service is available by working with other students and the graduate teaching assistants in the help room.
The closing time for each homework assignment will be on Tuesday night at 11:59PM the due dates for each set are shown in the calendar. Late homework will not be accepted:-- the closing time will be strictly enforced. Enter your solutions early to avoid computer/network woes close to the deadline.
There are bonus questions in the online lecture folders. You should be able to answer these after completing the assigned reading from the required text and watching the online lectures. These bonus questions are programmed to look like exam questions, as such, they are all multiple choice. In addition, some of these bonus questions are questions used on previous exams for this course and its traditional equivalent. Lon-Capa's feedback option is disabled, so unlike regular homework problems, Lon-Capa will not tell you if you have the correct answer until after the due date. In addition, the discussion board on these questions has been disabled. These questions are meant for you to work out yourself after having read the assigned reading and watched the online lectures. All points earned here will be added to your total homework points as a homework bonus (so, homework scores over 100% are possible). Hints and/or solutions to the bonus questions will not be provided.
Lon-capa gives equal weight to homework points, bonus question points, exam points and correction exam points. These points are *NOT* equally weighted for grade calculation. See the grading criteria section of this syllabus for details..
The course material, including: homework and recorded online lectures in the form of narrated power point presentations with example problems are posted on the LON-CAPA web site. In addition, there is a required textbook for this course.
A reliable high speed internet connection (i.e. not dial-up) is required; as is a computer with the ability to view flash video. Extensions for homework will not be given for reasons like: "I could not connect to the internet", "I didn't have a reliable internet connection", "I enrolled in the class after the official start of the session" or "the net was down at my parent's place".
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Last updated: January 2, 2014