Physics 232C, Fall 2015
Grading Scale:
4.0 |
92% |
3.5 |
84% |
3.0 |
76% |
2.5 |
68% |
2.0 |
60% |
1.5 |
52% |
1.0 |
44% |
Grading weights:
Best two Midterm Exams
40 % |
Final Exam |
35 % |
Homework (LON-CAPA) |
25 % |
- The weights for the class add up to 100%.
- There are bonus questions in the online lecture folders. You should be able to answer these after completing the assigned reading from the required text and watching the online lectures. These bonus questions are programmed to look like exam questions, as such, they are all multiple choice. Some of these bonus questions are questions used on previous exams for this course and its traditional equivalent. Lon-Capa's feedback option is disabled, so unlike regular homework problems, Lon-Capa will not tell you if you have the correct answer until after the due date. In addition, the discussion board on these questions has been disable, they are meant for you to work out yourself after having read the assigned reading and watched the online lectures. All points earned here will be added to your total homework points as a homework bonus (scores over 100% are allowed). Note: solutions and hints to the bonus questions will not be provided.
- Midterm exams: Maximum score on each midterm: 50 points. The exams are closed book. However, you may use a single 8-1/2 x 11 inch or smaller sheet of hand-written notes and equations (you may use both sides of the sheets). The midterm exams will have correction exams assigned as a homework. 30% of the positive difference between the correction exam and the original exam will be added to your original exam score as bonus. Only students taking the original exam will have access to the correction exam.
- Final Exam: Maximum score on the final: 100 points. The final exam will not have a correction exam. The exam is closed book. However, you may use four 8-1/2 x 11 inch or smaller sheets of hand-written notes and equations (you may use both sides of the sheets) on the final exam: three from the midterms and one from the last part of the class.
- No extensions will be given for HW without exceptional circumstances. Students are responsible for finding a site from which they can enter their answers. "The net was down when I tried to enter my problems from Ohio" or "I couldn't get LON-CAPA to work from my parent's computer" are not valid excuses.
- Scoring system and final average formula for the course
Physics 232C
Last updated: August 11, 2015