Practice Exam Problems
(optional, not for credit)
- To assist you in better preparing for our exams, we have compiled sets of practice problems and solutions. One set contains every problem asked on asked during the 2016-2017 academic year on midterm exams for this course; another set contains all problems asked on midterm exams in the Fall and Spring semesters of the 2017-2018 academic year of this course; and the final set containsll problems asked on midterm exams in the Fall and Spring semesters of the 2017-2018 academic year of this course.
- These problems are coded in Lon-Capa and have no due date set. two versions of each problem is available for your use and each are coded in exam mode (i.e. they look just like the problems will on our exam). The first, has incorrect/correct feedback disabled -- just like the bonus homework questions. This has the advantage of allowing you to return to the question later without having the correct response open for view. The second version, placed in a sub folder has this feedback enabled, so you can try the problem and immediately tell whether it is correct or incorrect. The solutions are given in one of three forms:
- A static pdf with a reference to an online lecture where the solution to a substantially similar problem is located.
- A reference to the section in our require text where the solution to a substantially similar problem is located.
- An online lecture solving the problem.
Physics 232C
Last updated: March 4, 2019