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Retreiving Files from the Grid


Follow the following instructions to retreive files from the grid.
  • Obtain permission to use grid
  • Setup grid tools and proxy (you can use this example setup script)
    • If there is a problem accessing the BNL AFS space replace the line
      source /afs/usatlas.bnl.gov/Grid/Don-Quijote/dq2_user_client/setup.zsh.CERN
      source /afs/cern.ch/atlas/offline/external/GRID/ddm/endusers/setup.zsh.CERN
      in the example setup script.
    • In this script the proxy is set for 90 hours. If your task involving the grid takes longer than 90 hours you must renew the proxy before it expires.
    • The dq2_get and dq2_ls commands are aliased to noglob dq2_get and noglob dq2_ls in the common CERN setup. The script above unalises them since the noglob command is not on our culster and we wouldn't want to use it if it were.
  • Listing datasets and files in datasets
    • To list datasets containing the files you want use dq2_ls
      • $> dq2_ls user.top.TopView121302_MuidTauRec.trig1_misal1_mc12.006210.AlpgenJimmyWlepNpar0v12000604.local
      • $> dq2_ls *.trig1_misal1_mc12.006210.AlpgenJimmyWlepNpar0v12000604.* (wildcards are allowed)
    • To list the files in the datasets use dq2_ls -g
      • $> dq2_ls -g user.top.TopView121302_MuidTauRec.trig1_misal1_mc12.006210.AlpgenJimmyWlepNpar0v12000604.local
      • $> dq2_ls -g *.trig1_misal1_mc12.006210.AlpgenJimmyWlepNpar0v12000604.* (wildcards are allowed)
  • Getting files
    • To get files in the datasets use dq2_ls -r dataset filename (-r is for remote copy)
      • $> dq2_get -r user.top.TopView121302_MuidTauRec.trig1_misal1_mc12.006210.AlpgenJimmyWlepNpar0v12000604.local trig1_misal1_mc12.006210.AlpgenJimmyWlepNpar0.recon.AOD.v12000604_tid009669._00002.pool.root.2
    • To get all the files in a dataset it is necessary to loop over all the files in the dataset. This example scipt performs this looping (but must be edited for the datasets you want to copy). It sould be called in the directory where you want to put the datasets (each of which is has its own directory).


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