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TopView Variables - EV0 Tree


Data Type Variable Name Explanation
Total Event Information
Int_t N Number of objects in event
Int_t runNumber Run Number
Int_t eventNumber Event Number
Double_t MissingEx Reconstructed Event Missing Ex (From MET_Final by default)
Double_t MissingEy Reconstructed Event Missing Ey (From MET_Final by default)
Double_t MissingEt Reconstructed Event Missing ET (From MET_Final by default)
Double_t SumEt Reconstructed Event Sum of ET
Double_t MissingExTruth Truth Event Missing Ex (From MET_t
Double_t MissingEyTruth Truth Event Missing Ey (From MET_t
Double_t MissingEtTruth Truth Event Missing Ez (From MET_t
Double_t SumEtTruth Truth Event Sum of ET
Double_t eventWeight Event weight from MC generator. In release 11, use eventWeightMCatNLO for correct weight from MC
Double_t eventWeightMCatNLO Event weight from MC generator at NLO
Double_t MTotal Reconstructed Event Total invariant mass
Double_t HT Reconstructed Event Jet ET + Lepton ET + Missing ET
Int_t Lepton_N Number of leptons
Int_t GoodJet_N Number of good jets
Int_t tt_LooseCut ttbar loose cut result
Int_t tt_MediumCut ttbar medium cut result
Int_t tt_tightCut ttbar tight cut result
vector<int> tt_LooseCut_bits Individual ttbar loose cut results
vector<int> tt_MediumCut_bits Individual ttbar medium cut results
vector<int> tt_TightCut_bits Individual ttbar tight cut results
Int_t VectSumAll_N Vector sum of all objects
vector<double> VectSumAll_E Vector sum of all energy event
vector<double> VectSumAll_p_T Vector sum of all p_T in event
vector<double> VectSumAll_phi Vector sum of all phi in event
vector<double> VectSumAll_eta Vector sum of all eta in event
vector<double> VectSumAll_m Vector sum of all mass in event
vector<double> VectSumAll_charge Vector sum of all charge in event
Int_t EVInstance The number of views in an Event (appears the same os EVInstance)
Int_t EVCounter Event Number
Int_t EVEventAndInstance EVCounter*100 + EVInstance
Int_t EVRunNumber The Event View run number
Int_t EVNInstance EVInstance+1
Level 1 Trigger
Double_t L1ET_Ex Level 1 Trigger Global Ex
Double_t L1ET_Ey Level 1 Trigger Global Ey
Double_t L1ET_EtMiss Level 1 Trigger Missing ET (vector sum)
Double_t L1ET_EtSum Level 1 Trigger Sum of ET (scalar sum)
Double_t L1Ex_ROI Level 1 Trigger Ex sum for ROI
Double_t L1Ey_ROI Level 1 Trigger Ey sum for ROI
Int_t L1Em_nROI Number of e/gamma/tau RoIs in the event
Int_t L1Jet_nROI Number of jet RoIs in the event
vector<double> L1Em_Core Level 1 Trigger EM - Central 2x2 "RoI core" energy (em+had)
vector<double> L1Em_EmClus Level 1 Trigger EM - Cluster energy
vector<double> L1Em_TauClus Level 1 Trigger EM - Tau cluster energy
vector<double> L1Em_EmIsol Level 1 Trigger EM - energy in EM isolation ring
vector<double> L1Em_HdIsol Level 1 Trigger EM - energy in hadronic isolation ring
vector<double> L1Em_HdCore Level 1 Trigger EM - energy in hadronic core
vector<double> L1Em_eta Level 1 Trigger EM - eta of cluster (ROI)
vector<double> L1Em_phi Level 1 Trigger EM - phi of cluster (ROI)
vector<double> L1Jet_ET4x4 Level 1 Trigger Jet - ET in small (4x4 tower) jet cluster
vector<double> L1Jet_ET6x6 Level 1 Trigger Jet - ET in medium sized (6x6 tower) jet cluster
vector<double> L1Jet_ET8x8 Level 1 Trigger Jet - ET in large (8x8) jet cluster
vector<double> L1Jet_eta Level 1 Trigger Jet - eta of cluster (ROI)
vector<double> L1Jet_phi Level 1 Trigger Jet - phi of cluster (ROI)
vector<double> L1Muon_eta Level 1 Trigger Muon - eta of cluster (ROI)
vector<double> L1Muon_phi Level 1 Trigger Muon - phi of cluster (ROI)
vector<double> L1Muon_thresholdNum Level 1 Trigger Muon - ********
Muons Merged with Overlapping b-tagged Jets
Int_t MuJetTagOL_N Number of muons merged with overlapping b-tagged jets
vector<double> MuJetTagOL_E Muons merged with overlapping b-tagged jets energy
vector<double> MuJetTagOL_p_T Muons merged with overlapping b-tagged jets transverse momentum
vector<double> MuJetTagOL_phi Muons merged with overlapping b-tagged jets phi
vector<double> MuJetTagOL_eta Muons merged with overlapping b-tagged jets eta
vector<double> MuJetTagOL_m Muons merged with overlapping b-tagged jets mass
vector<double> MuJetTagOL_charge Muons merged with overlapping b-tagged jets charge
vector<double> MuJetTagOL_etcone Energy deposited in cone dR=0.45 around Muons merged with overlapping b-tagged jets cluster
vector<double> MuJetTagOL_etcone10 Energy deposited in cone dR=0.10 around Muons merged with overlapping b-tagged jets cluster
vector<double> MuJetTagOL_etcone20 Energy deposited in cone dR=0.20 around Muons merged with overlapping b-tagged jets cluster
vector<double> MuJetTagOL_etcone30 Energy deposited in cone dR=0.30 around Muons merged with overlapping b-tagged jets cluster
vector<double> MuJetTagOL_etcone40 Energy deposited in cone dR=0.40 around Muons merged with overlapping b-tagged jets cluster
vector<double> MuJetTagOL_etcone50 Energy deposited in cone dR=0.50 around Muons merged with overlapping b-tagged jets cluster
vector<double> MuJetTagOL_etcone60 Energy deposited in cone dR=0.60 around Muons merged with overlapping b-tagged jets cluster
vector<double> MuJetTagOL_etcone70 Energy deposited in cone dR=0.70 around Muons merged with overlapping b-tagged jets cluster
vector<double> MuJetTagOL_nucone Muon Track number in cone dR=0.45 around Muons merged with overlapping b-tagged jets
vector<double> MuJetTagOL_nucone10 Muon Track number in cone dR=0.10 around Muons merged with overlapping b-tagged jets
vector<double> MuJetTagOL_nucone20 Muon Track number in cone dR=0.20 around Muons merged with overlapping b-tagged jets
vector<double> MuJetTagOL_nucone30 Muon Track number in cone dR=0.30 around Muons merged with overlapping b-tagged jets
vector<double> MuJetTagOL_nucone40 Muon Track number in cone dR=0.40 around Muons merged with overlapping b-tagged jets
vector<double> MuJetTagOL_nucone50 Muon Track number in cone dR=0.50 around Muons merged with overlapping b-tagged jets
vector<double> MuJetTagOL_nucone60 Muon Track number in cone dR=0.60 around Muons merged with overlapping b-tagged jets
vector<double> MuJetTagOL_nucone70 Muon Track number in cone dR=0.70 around Muons merged with overlapping b-tagged jets
vector<double> MuJetTagOL_matchChi2 Chi2 for track matching for Muons merged with overlapping b-tagged jets
vector<double> MuJetTagOL_matchChi2OverDoF Chi2 over degree of freedom for track matching for Muons merged with overlapping b-tagged jets
vector<double> MuJetTagOL_fitChi2 Chi2 for track fitting for Muons merged with overlapping b-tagged jets
vector<double> MuJetTagOL_fitChi2OverDoF Chi2 over degree of freedom for Muons merged with overlapping b-tagged jets
vector<int> MuJetTagOL_numberOfBLayerHits Muons merged with overlapping b-tagged jets number of barrel layer hits
vector<int> MuJetTagOL_numberOfPixelHits Muons merged with overlapping b-tagged jets number of pixel hits
vector<int> MuJetTagOL_numberOfSCTHits Muons merged with overlapping b-tagged jets Semiconductor Tracker
vector<int> MuJetTagOL_numberOfTRTHits Muons merged with overlapping b-tagged jets Transition Radiation Tracker
vector<int> MuJetTagOL_numberOfTRTHighTresholdHits Muons merged with overlapping b-tagged jets TRT High Threshold Hits
vector<int> MuJetTagOL_hasMatch Muons merged with overlapping b-tagged jets has track match
vector<int> MuJetTagOL_hasFitQuality Muons merged with overlapping b-tagged jets has fit quality
vector<int> MuJetTagOL_hasInDetTrackParticle Muons merged with overlapping b-tagged jets has inner detector track particle
vector<int> MuJetTagOL_hasMuonSpectrometerTrackParticle Muons merged with overlapping b-tagged jets has muon spectrometer track particle
vector<int> MuJetTagOL_hasMuonExtrapolatedTrackParticle Muons merged with overlapping b-tagged jets has muon extrapolated track particle
vector<int> MuJetTagOL_hasCombinedMuonTrackParticle Muons merged with overlapping b-tagged jets has combined muon track particle
vector<int> MuJetTagOL_numberOfMDTHits Muons merged with overlapping b-tagged jets Muon Drift Tube hits
vector<int> MuJetTagOL_numberOfCSCEtaHits Muons merged with overlapping b-tagged jets Cathode Strip Chamber eta hits
vector<int> MuJetTagOL_numberOfCSCPhiHits Muons merged with overlapping b-tagged jets Cathode Strip Chamber phi hits
vector<int> MuJetTagOL_numberOfRPCEtaHits Muons merged with overlapping b-tagged jets Resistive Plate Chamber eta hits
vector<int> MuJetTagOL_numberOfRPCPhiHits Muons merged with overlapping b-tagged jets Resistive Plate Chamber phi hits
vector<int> MuJetTagOL_numberOfTGCEtaHits Muons merged with overlapping b-tagged jets Thin Gap Chamber eta hits
vector<int> MuJetTagOL_numberOfTGCPhiHits Muons merged with overlapping b-tagged jets Thin Gap Chamber phi hits
vector<int> MuJetTagOL_author Muons merged with overlapping b-tagged jets Algorithm used to create the muon: unknown=0, highPt=1, lowPt=2
vector<int> MuJetTagOL_hasCluster Muons merged with overlapping b-tagged jets Algorithm used to create the Muon
vector<int> MuJetTagOL_hasCombinedMuon Muons merged with overlapping b-tagged jets has a cluster
Int_t El_N Number of electrons (same as other El_N)
Int_t El_N Number of electrons in event
vector<double> El_E Electron Energy
vector<double> El_p_T Electron Transverse momentum
vector<double> El_phi Electron Phi
vector<double> El_eta Electron Eta
vector<double> El_m Electron Mass
vector<double> El_charge Electron Charge
vector<double> El_EoverP Electron E over P
vector<double> El_emWeight Electron EM Weight
vector<double> El_pionWeight Electron Pion Weight
vector<double> El_EtaCorrMag Electron Track Eta at entrance of calorimeter
vector<double> El_f1core Electron Fraction (over core Energy) of energy in a 3x1 window in strips in (sampling 1)
vector<double> El_f3core Electron Fraction (over core Energy) of energy in a 3x3 window in back over ecore (sampling 3)
vector<double> El_pos7 Electron Difference between shower cell and predicted track in position in +/- 7 cells w.r.t. the seed
vector<double> El_iso Electron 1-E(33)/E(37)
vector<double> El_widths2 Electron Uncorrected width in 3x5 cells in the middle (sampling 2)
vector<double> El_etaBE2 Electron Eta in Barrel/Endcap (sampling 2)
vector<double> El_et37 Electron ET in a 3x7 window
vector<double> El_e237 Electron Energy in a 3x7 window in the middle (sampling 2)
vector<double> El_e277 Electron Energy in a 7x7 window in the middle (sampling 2)
vector<double> El_ethad1 Electron ET in 1st hadronic sampling in a R=0.45 cone behind the calo
vector<double> El_weta1 Electron eta corrected width in 3 strips in strips (sampling 1)
vector<double> El_weta2 Electron eta corrected width in 3x5 cells (sampling 2)
vector<double> El_f1 Electron fraction of energy found in em strips (sampling 1)
vector<double> El_e2tsts1 Electron 2nd maximum in strips
vector<double> El_emins1 Electron Energy of strip with min between max 1 & 2
vector<double> El_wtots1 Electron total width in em strips using 40 strips (sampling 1)
vector<double> El_fracs1 Electron Energy in strips outside core (E(+-7)-E(+-3))/E(+-7)
vector<double> El_epiNN Electron neural net output, ~0 =>
vector<double> El_etcone Electron Transverse Energy deposited in a cone dR=0.45 around the electron cluster
vector<double> El_etcone20 Electron Transverse Energy deposited in a cone dR=0.20 around the electron cluster
vector<double> El_etcone30 Electron Transverse Energy deposited in a cone dR=0.30 around the electron cluster
vector<double> El_etcone40 Electron Transverse Energy deposited in a cone dR=0.40 around the electron cluster
vector<double> El_NBLayerHits Electron Number of hits in the Pixel B-layer
vector<double> El_NPixelHits Electron Number of hists in the Pixel Detector
vector<double> El_NSCTHits Electron Number of hist in the Semiconductor Tracker
vector<double> El_NTRTHits Electron Number of hits in Transition Radiation Tracker
vector<double> El_NHighThresTRTHits Electron Number of high threshold hits in the TRT
vector<double> El_TransM Electron Transverse Mass
vector<double> El_Tru_DeltaR Distance in Eta-Phi space between True and Reconstructed Electrons
vector<double> El_Tru_E Energy of the True Electron matched to the Reconstructed Electron
vector<double> El_Tru_p_T pT of the True Electron matched to the Reconstructed Electron
vector<double> El_Tru_phi Phi of the True Electron matched to the Reconstructed Electron
vector<double> El_Tru_eta Eta of the True Electron matched to the Reconstructed Electron
vector<double> El_Tru_m Mass of the True Electron matched to the Reconstructed Electron
vector<double> El_Tru_charge Charge of the True Electron matched to the Reconstructed Electron
vector<double> El_Tru_etIsol Isolated ET of the True Electron matched to the Reconstructed Electron
vector<int> El_Electron Muons merged with overlapping b-tagged jets has a combined muon
vector<int> El_Lepton If Electron overlaps with another Electron in event view
vector<int> El_Photon If Electron overlaps with another Lepton in event view
vector<int> El_Muon If Electron overlaps with another Muon in event view
vector<int> El_TauJet If Electron overlaps with another TauJet in event view
vector<int> El_JetTag If Electron overlaps with another B-tagged jet in event view
vector<int> El_Jet If Electron overlaps with another Jet Electron in event view
vector<int> El_ParticleJet If Electron overlaps with another Particle Jet Electron in event view
vector<int> El_L1Jet If Electron was seen as a Level 1 jet
vector<int> El_L1EMTau If Electron was seen as a Level 1 EM Tau
vector<int> El_L1Muon If Electron was seen as a Leve 1 Muon
vector<int> El_isEM 0 if EM particle (electron or photon)
vector<int> El_hasTrack Presence of charged track in Inner Detector
vector<int> El_author Algorithm used to create the electron: unknown=0, highPt=1, lowPt
vector<int> El_Tru_Matched 1 if Electron is matched at Reconstructed level, 0 otherwise
vector<int> El_Tru_pdgId Particle Data Group ID
vector<int> El_Tru_status 1 If status code of True Electron matches to Reconstructed Electron
vector<int> El_Tru_BarCode Object identifier
Int_t Ph_N Number of photons (same as other Ph_N)
Int_t Ph_N Number of photons in event
vector<double> Ph_E Photon Energy
vector<double> Ph_p_T Phonton Transverse momentum
vector<double> Ph_phi Phonton Phi
vector<double> Ph_eta Photon Eta
vector<double> Ph_m Photon Mass
vector<double> Ph_charge Photon Charge
vector<double> Ph_emWeight Photon EM Weight
vector<double> Ph_pionWeight Photon Pion Weight
vector<double> Ph_etaBE2 Photon Eta in Barrel/Endcap (sampling 2)
vector<double> Ph_et37 Photon ET in a 3x7 window
vector<double> Ph_e237 Photon Energy in a 3x7 window in the middle (sampling 2)
vector<double> Ph_e277 Photon Energy in a 7x7 window in the middle (sampling 2)
vector<double> Ph_ethad1 Photon ET in 1st hadronic sampling in a R=0.45 cone behind the calo
vector<double> Ph_weta1 Photon corrected width in 3 strips in strips (sampling 1)
vector<double> Ph_weta2 Photon corrected width in 3x5 cells (sampling 2)
vector<double> Ph_f1 Photon fraction of energy found in em strips (sampling 1)
vector<double> Ph_e2tsts1 Photon 2nd maximum in strips
vector<double> Ph_emins1 Photon Energy of strip with min between max 1 & 2
vector<double> Ph_wtots1 Photon total width in em strips using 40 strips (sampling 1)
vector<double> Ph_fracs1 Photon Energy in strips outside core (E(+-7)-E(+-3))/E(+-7)
vector<double> Ph_etcone Photon Energy deposited in a cone dR=0.45 around the photon cluster
vector<double> Ph_etcone20 Photon Energy deposited in a cone dR=0.20 around the photon cluster
vector<double> Ph_etcone30 Photon Energy deposited in a cone dR=0.30 around the photon cluster
vector<double> Ph_etcone40 Photon Energy deposited in a cone dR=0.40 around the photon cluster
vector<double> Ph_jetLogLR Don't know but it's depreciated anyway
vector<double> Ph_Tru_DeltaR Distance in Eta-Phi space between True and Reconstructed Photons
vector<double> Ph_Tru_E Energy of the True Photon matched to the Reconstructed Photon
vector<double> Ph_Tru_p_T pT of the True Photon matched to the Reconstructed Photon
vector<double> Ph_Tru_phi Phi of the True Photon matched to the Reconstructed Photon
vector<double> Ph_Tru_eta Eta of the True Photon matched to the Reconstructed Photon
vector<double> Ph_Tru_m Mass of the True Photon matched to the Reconstructed Photon
vector<double> Ph_Tru_charge Charge of the True Photon matched to the Reconstructed Photon
vector<double> Ph_Tru_etIsol Isolated ET of the True Photon matched to the Reconstructed Photon
vector<int> Ph_Electron If Photon overlaps with another Electron in event view
vector<int> Ph_Lepton If Photon overlaps with another Lepton in event view
vector<int> Ph_Photon If Photon overlaps with another Photon in event view
vector<int> Ph_Muon If Photon overlaps with another Muon in event view
vector<int> Ph_TauJet If Photon overlaps with another TauJet in event view
vector<int> Ph_JetTag If Photon overlaps with another B-tagged Jet in event view
vector<int> Ph_Jet If Photon overlaps with another Jet in event view
vector<int> Ph_ParticleJet If Photon overlaps with another Particle Jet in event view
vector<int> Ph_L1Jet If Photon was seen as a Level 1 jet
vector<int> Ph_L1EMTau If Photon was seen as a Level 1 EM Tau
vector<int> Ph_L1Muon If Photon was seen as a Level 1 Muon
vector<int> Ph_idFlag ????????
vector<int> Ph_isEM 0 for EM particle (Electron or photon)
vector<int> Ph_author Algorithm used to create the photon: unknown=0, highPt=1, lowPt=2
vector<int> Ph_Tru_Matched 1 if Photon is matched at Reconstructed level, 0 otherwise
vector<int> Ph_Tru_pdgId Particle Data Group ID
vector<int> Ph_Tru_status 1 If status code of True Photon matches to Reconstructed Photon
vector<int> Ph_Tru_BarCode Object identifier
Int_t Mu_N Number of muons (same as other Mu_N)
Int_t Mu_N Number of muons in event
vector<double> Mu_E Muon Energy
vector<double> Mu_p_T Muon Transverse momentum
vector<double> Mu_phi Muon Phi
vector<double> Mu_eta Muon Eta
vector<double> Mu_m Muon Mass
vector<double> Mu_charge Muon Charge
vector<double> Mu_etcone Muon Transverse Energy deposited in a cone dR=0.45 around the muon cluster
vector<double> Mu_etcone10 Muon Transverse Energy deposited in a cone dR=0.10 around the muon cluster
vector<double> Mu_etcone20 Muon Transverse Energy deposited in a cone dR=0.20 around the muon cluster
vector<double> Mu_etcone30 Muon Transverse Energy deposited in a cone dR=0.30 around the muon cluster
vector<double> Mu_etcone40 Muon Transverse Energy deposited in a cone dR=0.40 around the muon cluster
vector<double> Mu_etcone50 Muon Transverse Energy deposited in a cone dR=0.50 around the muon cluster
vector<double> Mu_etcone60 Muon Transverse Energy deposited in a cone dR=0.60 around the muon cluster
vector<double> Mu_etcone70 Muon Transverse Energy deposited in a cone dR=0.70 around the muon cluster
vector<double> Mu_nucone Muon Track number in a cone dR=0.45 around the muon clustern
vector<double> Mu_nucone10 Muon Track number in a cone dR=0.10 around the muon clustern
vector<double> Mu_nucone20 Muon Track number in a cone dR=0.20 around the muon clustern
vector<double> Mu_nucone30 Muon Track number in a cone dR=0.30 around the muon clustern
vector<double> Mu_nucone40 Muon Track number in a cone dR=0.40 around the muon clustern
vector<double> Mu_nucone50 Muon Track number in a cone dR=0.50 around the muon clustern
vector<double> Mu_nucone60 Muon Track number in a cone dR=0.60 around the muon clustern
vector<double> Mu_nucone70 Muon Track number in a cone dR=0.70 around the muon clustern
vector<double> Mu_matchChi2 Muon Chi2 for track matching
vector<double> Mu_matchChi2OverDoF Muon Chi2 over degree of freedom for track matching
vector<double> Mu_fitChi2 Muon Chi2 for track fitting
vector<double> Mu_fitChi2OverDoF Muon Chi2 over degree of freedom for track fitting
vector<double> Mu_TransM Muon Transverse Mass
vector<double> Mu_Tru_DeltaR Distance in Eta-Phi space between True and Reconstructed Muons
vector<double> Mu_Tru_E Energy of the True Muon matched to the Reconstructed Muon
vector<double> Mu_Tru_p_T pT of the True Muon matched to the Reconstructed Muon
vector<double> Mu_Tru_phi Phi of the True Muon matched to the Reconstructed Muon
vector<double> Mu_Tru_eta Eta of the True Muon matched to the Reconstructed Muon
vector<double> Mu_Tru_m Mass of the True Muon matched to the Reconstructed Muon
vector<double> Mu_Tru_charge Charge of the True Muon matched to the Reconstructed Muon
vector<double> Mu_Tru_etIsol Isolated ET of the True Muon matched to the Reconstructed Muon
vector<int> Mu_Electron If Muon overlaps with another Electron in event view
vector<int> Mu_Lepton If Muon overlaps with another Lepton in event view
vector<int> Mu_Photon If Muon overlaps with another Photon in event view
vector<int> Mu_Muon If Muon overlaps with another Muon in event view
vector<int> Mu_TauJet If Muon overlaps with another TauJet in event view
vector<int> Mu_JetTag If Muon overlaps with another B-tagged Jet in event view
vector<int> Mu_Jet If Muon overlaps with another Jet in event view
vector<int> Mu_ParticleJet If Muon overlaps with another Particle Jet in event view
vector<int> Mu_L1Jet If Muon was seen as a Level 1 jet
vector<int> Mu_L1EMTau If Muon was seen as a EM Tau
vector<int> Mu_L1Muon If Muon was seen as a Level 1 Muon
vector<int> Mu_JetTagOL If Muon overlapped with B-tagged jet (which was not inserted because of this)
vector<int> Mu_numberOfBLayerHits Muon Number of hits in the Pixel B-layer
vector<int> Mu_numberOfPixelHits Muon Number of hists in the Pixel Detector
vector<int> Mu_numberOfSCTHits Muon Number of hist in the Semiconductor Tracker
vector<int> Mu_numberOfTRTHits Muon Number of hits in Transition Radiation Tracker
vector<int> Mu_numberOfTRTHighTresholdHits Muon Number of hits in Transition Radiation Tracker
vector<int> Mu_hasMatch Muon has track match
vector<int> Mu_hasFitQuality Muon has track fit quality
vector<int> Mu_hasInDetTrackParticle Muon has Inner Detector Track Particle
vector<int> Mu_hasMuonSpectrometerTrackParticle Muon has Muon Spectrometer Track Particle
vector<int> Mu_hasMuonExtrapolatedTrackParticle Muon has extrapolated track particle
vector<int> Mu_hasCombinedMuonTrackParticle Muon has combined muon track particle
vector<int> Mu_numberOfMDTHits Muon number of Muon Drift Tube hits
vector<int> Mu_numberOfCSCEtaHits Muon Number of Cathode Strip Chamber eta hits
vector<int> Mu_numberOfCSCPhiHits Muon Number of Cathode Strip Chamber phi hits
vector<int> Mu_numberOfRPCEtaHits Muon Number of Resistive Plate Chamber eta hits
vector<int> Mu_numberOfRPCPhiHits Muon Number of Resistive Plate Chamber phi hits
vector<int> Mu_numberOfTGCEtaHits Muon Number of Thin Gap Chamber eta hits
vector<int> Mu_numberOfTGCPhiHits Muon Number of Thin Gap Chamber phi hits
vector<int> Mu_author Algorithm used to create the muon: unknown=0, highPt=1, lowPt=2
vector<int> Mu_hasCluster Algorithm used to create the muon: unknown=0, highPt=1, lowPt=2
vector<int> Mu_hasCombinedMuon Muon has cluster
vector<int> Mu_Tru_Matched 1 if Muon is matched at Reconstructed level, 0 otherwise
vector<int> Mu_Tru_pdgId Particle Data Group ID
vector<int> Mu_Tru_status 1 If status code of True Muon matches to Reconstructed Muon
vector<int> Mu_Tru_BarCode Object identifier
Int_t Tau_N Number of taus (same as other Tau_N)
Int_t Tau_N Number of taus in event
vector<double> Tau_E Tau Energy
vector<double> Tau_p_T Tau Transverse momentum
vector<double> Tau_phi Tau Phi
vector<double> Tau_eta Tau Eta
vector<double> Tau_m Tau Mass
vector<double> Tau_charge Tau Charge
vector<double> Tau_logLikelihoodRatio Log likelihood ratio between tau and jet
vector<double> Tau_lowPtTauJetDiscriminant Discriminant (s/(s+b)) for tau vs. jet at low pt
vector<double> Tau_lowPtTauEleDiscriminant Discriminant (s/(s+b)) for tau vs. ele at low pt
vector<double> Tau_tauJetNeuralnetwork Neural network for tau vs. jet
vector<double> Tau_tauENeuralNetwork Neural netowrk for tau vs. ele
vector<double> Tau_discriminant Tau1P3P tau vs. jet discriminant variable
vector<double> Tau_EMPx Tau Px in EM cells
vector<double> Tau_EMPy Tau Py in EM cells
vector<double> Tau_EMPz Tau Pz in EM cells
vector<double> Tau_EME Tau Energy in EM cells
vector<double> Tau_etHadCalib Tau recalibrated Transverse Energy in Hadronic cells
vector<double> Tau_etEMCalib Tau recalibrated Transverse Energy in EM cells
vector<double> Tau_emRadius Tau uncalibrated transverse energy weighted radius in the Presampler + EM1 + EM2 within dR < 0.4, tau1P3P: within dR < 0.2
vector<double> Tau_isolationFraction Fraction of Energy (EM + Had) (not sure what fraction)
vector<double> Tau_centralityFraction (ET(dr<0.1)/ET(dr<0.4) for all calos
vector<double> Tau_stripWidth2 Tau uncalibrated transverse energy weighted width in the strip layer within dR < 0.4, tau1P3P: within dR < 0.2
vector<double> Tau_nStripCells ????
vector<double> Tau_annularIsolationFraction Tau fraction of energy in radius .1 vector<double> Tau_etCaloAtEMScale Sum of ET cells inside cone RconeTau (default=0.4) around (eta,phi) of the candidate, taken at EM scale
vector<double> Tau_etChargedHadCells Sum of ET cells in HAD layers within narrow window around track, taken at EM scale
vector<double> Tau_etOtherEMCells Sum of ET cells in EM layers, between in range between ( RcoreTau - RconeTau ) taken at EM scale
vector<double> Tau_etOtherHadCells Sum of ET cells in HAD layers, between in range between ( RcoreTau - RconeTau ) taken at EM scale
vector<double> Tau_Tru_DeltaR Distance in Eta-Phi space between True and Reconstructed Taus
vector<double> Tau_Tru_E Energy of the True Tau matched to the Reconstructed Tau
vector<double> Tau_Tru_p_T pT of the True Tau matched to the Reconstructed Tau
vector<double> Tau_Tru_phi Phi of the True Tau matched to the Reconstructed Tau
vector<double> Tau_Tru_eta Eta of the True Muon matched to the Reconstructed Muon
vector<double> Tau_Tru_m Mass of the True Tau matched to the Reconstructed Tau
vector<double> Tau_Tru_charge Charge of the True Tau matched to the Reconstructed Tau
vector<double> Tau_Tru_etIsol Isolated ET of the True Tau matched to the Reconstructed Tau
vector<int> Tau_Electron Muon has combined muon
vector<int> Tau_Lepton If Tau overlaps with another Electron in event view
vector<int> Tau_Photon If Tau overlaps with another Lepton in event view
vector<int> Tau_Muon If Tau overlaps with another Photon in event view
vector<int> Tau_TauJet If Tau overlaps with another Muon in event view
vector<int> Tau_JetTag If Tau overlaps with another TauJet in event view
vector<int> Tau_Jet If Tau overlaps with another Jet in event view
vector<int> Tau_ParticleJet If Tau overlaps with another Particle Jet in event view
vector<int> Tau_L1Jet If Tau was seen as a Level 1 jet
vector<int> Tau_L1EMTau If Tau was seen as a Level 1 EM Tau
vector<int> Tau_L1Muon If Tau was seen as a Level 1 Muon
vector<int> Tau_numTrack Number of Tau tracks
vector<int> Tau_author Algorithm used to create the tau: unknown=0, highPt=1, lowPt=2
vector<int> Tau_Tru_Matched 1 if Tau is matched at Reconstructed level, 0 otherwise
vector<int> Tau_Tru_pdgId Particle Data Group ID
vector<int> Tau_Tru_status 1 If status code of True Tau matches to Reconstructed Tau
vector<int> Tau_Tru_BarCode Object identifier
B-tagged Jet
Int_t TJet_N Number of tau jets (same as other TJet_N)
Int_t TJet_N Number of B-tagged jets
vector<double> TJet_E B-tagged jet energy
vector<double> TJet_p_T B-tagged jet transverse momentym
vector<double> TJet_phi B-tagged jet phi
vector<double> TJet_eta B-tagged jet eta
vector<double> TJet_m B-tagged jets mass
vector<double> TJet_charge B-tagged jets charge
vector<double> TJet_lhSig B-tagged jets first element of comb likelihood vector (combination of the single likelihoods of the "LifetimeTag1D", "LifetimeTag2D" and "SecVtxTagBU" tag tools)
vector<double> TJet_nTrackProb B-tagged jet track probability - calculated but not active in tagging
vector<double> TJet_weight B-tagged jet combined weight IP3D+SV1
vector<double> TJet_LifetimeTag1D B-tagged jet impact parameter in 1-D
vector<double> TJet_LifetimeTag2D B-tagged jet impact parameter in 2-D
vector<double> TJet_IP2D B-tagged jet tagging weight
vector<double> TJet_LifetimeTag3D B-tagged jet impact parameter in 3-D
vector<double> TJet_IP3D B-tagged jet tagging weight
vector<double> TJet_SV1 B-tagged jet tagging weight
vector<double> TJet_SecVtxTagBU B-tagged jet secondary vertex using bottom-up method
vector<double> TJet_SV2 B-tagged jet tagging weight
vector<double> TJet_SecVtxTagTD B-tagged jet secondary vertex using tear-down method
vector<double> TJet_matchTruB B-tagged jet matching result with B in Truth
vector<double> TJet_matchTruC B-tagged jet matching result with C in Truth
vector<double> TJet_Tru_DeltaR Distance in Eta-Phi space between True and Reconstructed B-Tagged Jets
vector<double> TJet_Tru_E Energy of the True B-Tagged Jet matched to the Reconstructed B-Tagged Jet
vector<double> TJet_Tru_p_T pT of the True B-Tagged Jet matched to the Reconstructed B-Tagged Jet
vector<double> TJet_Tru_phi Phi of the True B-Tagged Jet matched to the Reconstructed B-Tagged Jet
vector<double> TJet_Tru_eta Eta of the True Muon matched to the Reconstructed Muon
vector<double> TJet_Tru_m Mass of the True B-Tagged Jet matched to the Reconstructed B-Tagged Jet
vector<double> TJet_Tru_charge Charge of the True B-Tagged Jet matched to the Reconstructed B-Tagged Jet
vector<double> TJet_Tru_etIsol Isolated ET of the True B-Tagged Jet matched to the Reconstructed B-Tagged Jet
vector<int> TJet_Electron If B-tagged jet overlaps with another Electron in event view
vector<int> TJet_Lepton If B-tagged jet overlaps with another Lepton in event view
vector<int> TJet_Photon If B-tagged jet overlaps with another Photon in event view
vector<int> TJet_Muon If B-tagged jet overlaps with another Muon in event view
vector<int> TJet_TauJet If B-tagged jet overlaps with another JauJetin event view
vector<int> TJet_JetTag If B-tagged jet overlaps with another B-tagged jet in event view
vector<int> TJet_Jet If B-tagged jet overlaps with another Jet in event view
vector<int> TJet_ParticleJet If B-tagged jet overlaps with another Particle Jet in event view
vector<int> TJet_L1Jet If B-tagged jet was seen as a Level 1 jet
vector<int> TJet_L1EMTau If B-tagged jet was seen as a Level 1 EM Tau
vector<int> TJet_L1Muon If B-tagged jet was seen as a Level 1 Muon
vector<int> TJet_Tru_Matched 1 if B-tagged Jet is matched at Reconstructed level, 0 otherwise
vector<int> TJet_Tru_pdgId Particle Data Group ID
vector<int> TJet_Tru_status 1 If status code of True B-tagged Jet matches to Reconstructed B-tagged Jet
vector<int> TJet_Tru_BarCode Object identifier
Particle Jet
Int_t PJet_N Number of Particle Jets
Int_t PJet_N Number of Particle jets
vector<double> PJet_E Particle Jet energy
vector<double> PJet_p_T Particle Jet transverse momentum
vector<double> PJet_phi Particle Jet phi
vector<double> PJet_eta Particle Jet eta
vector<double> PJet_m Particle Jet mass
vector<double> PJet_charge Particle Jet charge
vector<double> PJet_EinPreSampB Particle Jet energy in barrel presampler
vector<double> PJet_EinPreSampE Particle Jet energy in endcap presampler
vector<double> PJet_etEM0 Particle Jet Et from EM_Calo Sample_1 (B+E) and Presampler (B+E)
vector<double> PJet_etEM1 Particle Jet Et from EM_Calo Sample_2 (B+E)
vector<double> PJet_etEM2 Particle Jet Et from EM_Calo Sample_3 (B+E)
vector<double> PJet_EinEMB1 Particle Jet Energy in EM_Calo Sample_1 (Barrel)
vector<double> PJet_EinEMB2 Particle Jet Energy in EM_Calo Sample_2 (Barrel)
vector<double> PJet_EinEMB3 Particle Jet Energy in EM_Calo Sample_3 (Barrel)
vector<double> PJet_EinEME1 Particle Jet Energy in EM_Calo Sample_1 (Endcap)
vector<double> PJet_EinEME2 Particle Jet Energy in EM_Calo Sample_2 (Endcap)
vector<double> PJet_EinEME3 Particle Jet Energy in EM_Calo Sample_3 (Endcap)
vector<double> PJet_etHad0 Particle Jet Et from HAD_Calo Sample_0 (B+E)
vector<double> PJet_etHad1 Particle Jet Et from HAD_Calo Sample_1 (B+E)
vector<double> PJet_etHad2 Particle Jet Et from HAD_Calo Sample_2 (B+E)
vector<double> PJet_EinHEC0 Particle Jet Energy in HAD_Calo Sample_0 (Endcap)
vector<double> PJet_EinHEC1 Particle Jet Energy in HAD_Calo Sample_1 (Endcap)
vector<double> PJet_EinHEC2 Particle Jet Energy in HAD_Calo Sample_2 (Endcap)
vector<double> PJet_EinHEC3 Particle Jet Energy in HAD_Calo Sample_3 (Endcap)
vector<double> PJet_EinTileBar0 Particle Jet Energy in HAD_Calo Sample_0(Barrel)
vector<double> PJet_EinTileBar1 Particle Jet Energy in HAD_Calo Sample_1(Barrel)
vector<double> PJet_EinTileBar2 Particle Jet Energy in HAD_Calo Sample_2(Barrel)
vector<double> PJet_EinTileGap1 Particle Jet Energy in Tile_gap Sample_1
vector<double> PJet_EinTileGap2 Particle Jet Energy in Tile_gap Sample_2
vector<double> PJet_EinTileGap3 Particle Jet Energy in Tile_gap Sample_3
vector<double> PJet_EinTileExt0 Particle Jet Energy in Tile Extended Barrel Sample_0
vector<double> PJet_EinTileExt1 Particle Jet Energy in Tile Extended Barrel Sample_1
vector<double> PJet_EinTileExt2 Particle Jet Energy in Tile Extended Barrel Sample_2
vector<double> PJet_EinFCAL0 Particle Jet Energy in FCAL Sample_0
vector<double> PJet_EinFCAL1 Particle Jet Energy in FCAL Sample_1
vector<double> PJet_EinFCAL2 Particle Jet Energy in FCAL Sample_2
vector<double> PJet_EinUnknown Particle Jet Error value for enum, shouldn't be filled
vector<double> PJet_EinCryostat Particle Jet Energy lost in the cryostat empiric evaluation sqrt(EMB3 * TileBar0)
vector<double> PJet_pxCalo Particle Jet px from calorimeter only
vector<double> PJet_pyCalo Particle Jet px from calorimeter only
vector<double> PJet_pzCalo Particle Jet px from calorimeter only
vector<double> PJet_Tru_DeltaR Distance in Eta-Phi space between True and Reconstructed Particle Jets
vector<double> PJet_Tru_E Energy of the True Particle Jet matched to the Reconstructed Particle Jet
vector<double> PJet_Tru_p_T pT of the True Particle Jet matched to the Reconstructed Particle Jet
vector<double> PJet_Tru_phi Phi of the True Particle Jet matched to the Reconstructed Particle Jet
vector<double> PJet_Tru_eta Eta of the True Particle Jet matched to the Reconstructed Particle Jet
vector<double> PJet_Tru_m Mass of the True Particle Jet matched to the Reconstructed Particle Jet
vector<double> PJet_Tru_charge Charge of the True Particle Jet matched to the Reconstructed Particle Jet
vector<double> PJet_Tru_etIsol Isolated ET of the True Particle Jet matched to the Reconstructed Particle Jet
vector<int> PJet_Electron If Particle jet overlaps with another Electron in event view
vector<int> PJet_Lepton If Particle jet overlaps with another Lepton in event view
vector<int> PJet_Photon If Particle jet overlaps with another Photon in event view
vector<int> PJet_Muon If Particle jet overlaps with another Muon in event view
vector<int> PJet_TauJet If Particle jet overlaps with another TauJet in event view
vector<int> PJet_JetTag If Particle jet overlaps with another B-tagged jet in event view
vector<int> PJet_Jet If Particle jet overlaps with another jet in event view
vector<int> PJet_ParticleJet If Particle jet overlaps with another Particle jet in event view
vector<int> PJet_L1Jet If Particle Jet was seen as a Level 1 jet
vector<int> PJet_L1EMTau If Particle Jet was seen as a Level 1 EM Tau
vector<int> PJet_L1Muon If Particle Jet was seen as a Level 1 Muon
vector<int> PJet_Tru_Matched 1 if Particle Jet is matched at Reconstructed level, 0 otherwise
vector<int> PJet_Tru_pdgId Particle Data Group ID
vector<int> PJet_Tru_status 1 If status code of True Particle Jet matches to Reconstructed Particle Jet
vector<int> PJet_Tru_BarCode Object identifier
Hadronic W
Int_t HadronicW_N Number of Hadronic Ws
Int_t HadW_N Number of Hadronic Ws (seems to be same as HadronicW_N)
vector<double> HadW_E Hadronic W energy
vector<double> HadW_p_T Hadronic W transverse momentum
vector<double> HadW_phi Hadronic W phi
vector<double> HadW_eta Hadronic W eta
vector<double> HadW_m Hadronic W mass
vector<double> HadW_charge Hadronic W charge
vector<double> HadW_Tru_DeltaR Distance in Eta-Phi space between True and Reconstructed Hadronic Ws
vector<double> HadW_Tru_E Energy of the True Hadronic W matched to the Reconstructed Hadronic W
vector<double> HadW_Tru_p_T pT of the True Hadronic W matched to the Reconstructed Hadronic W
vector<double> HadW_Tru_phi Phi of the True Hadronic W matched to the Reconstructed Hadronic W
vector<double> HadW_Tru_eta Eta of the True Muon matched to the Reconstructed Muon
vector<double> HadW_Tru_m Mass of the True Hadronic W matched to the Reconstructed Hadronic W
vector<double> HadW_Tru_charge Charge of the True Hadronic W matched to the Reconstructed Hadronic W
vector<double> HadW_Tru_etIsol Isolated ET of the True Hadronic W matched to the Reconstructed Hadronic W
vector<int> HadW_Tru_Matched 1 if Hadronic W is matched at Reconstructed level, 0 otherwise
vector<int> HadW_Tru_pdgId Particle Data Group ID
vector<int> HadW_Tru_status 1 If status code of True Hadronic W matches to Reconstructed Hadronic W
vector<int> HadW_Tru_BarCode Object identifier
vector<int> HadronicW_NearW_Matched If b-Tagged jet is matched to Hadronic W
vector<double> HadronicW_NearW_DeltaR ?????????????
Leptonic W
Int_t LeptonicW_N Number of Leptonic Ws
Int_t LepW_N Number of Leptonic Ws (seems to be same as Leptonic_N)
vector<double> LepW_E Leptonic W energy
vector<double> LepW_p_T Leptonic W transverse momentum
vector<double> LepW_phi Leptonic W phi
vector<double> LepW_eta Leptonic W eta
vector<double> LepW_m Leptonic W mass
vector<double> LepW_charge Leptonic W charge
vector<double> LepW_Tru_DeltaR Distance in Eta-Phi space between True and Reconstructed Leptonic Ws
vector<double> LepW_Tru_E Energy of the True Leptonic W matched to the Reconstructed Leptonic W
vector<double> LepW_Tru_p_T pT of the True Leptonic W matched to the Reconstructed Leptonic W
vector<double> LepW_Tru_phi Phi of the True Leptonic W matched to the Reconstructed Leptonic W
vector<double> LepW_Tru_eta Eta of the True Muon matched to the Reconstructed Muon
vector<double> LepW_Tru_m Mass of the True Leptonic W matched to the Reconstructed Leptonic W
vector<double> LepW_Tru_charge Charge of the True Leptonic W matched to the Reconstructed Leptonic W
vector<double> LepW_Tru_etIsol Isolated ET of the True Leptonic W matched to the Reconstructed Leptonic W
vector<int> LepW_Tru_Matched 1 if Leptonic W is matched at Reconstructed level, 0 otherwise
vector<int> LepW_Tru_pdgId Particle Data Group ID
vector<int> LepW_Tru_status 1 If status code of True Leptonic W matches to Reconstructed Leptonic W
vector<int> LepW_Tru_BarCode Object identifier
vector<int> LeptonicW_NearW_Matched If b-Tagged jet is matched to Leptonic W
vector<double> LeptonicW_NearW_DeltaR ?????????????
Hadronic Top
Int_t HadTop_N Number of Hadronic Tops
vector<double> HadTop_E Hadronic Top Energy
vector<double> HadTop_p_T Hadronic Top transverse momentum
vector<double> HadTop_phi Hadronic Top phi
vector<double> HadTop_eta Hadronic Top eta
vector<double> HadTop_m Hadronic Top mass
vector<double> HadTop_charge Hadronic Top charge
vector<double> HadTop_Tru_DeltaR Distance in Eta-Phi space between True and Reconstructed Hadronic Tops
vector<double> HadTop_Tru_E Energy of the True Hadronic Top matched to the Reconstructed Hadronic Top
vector<double> HadTop_Tru_p_T pT of the True Hadronic Top matched to the Reconstructed Hadronic Top
vector<double> HadTop_Tru_phi Phi of the True Hadronic Top matched to the Reconstructed Hadronic Top
vector<double> HadTop_Tru_eta Eta of the True Muon matched to the Reconstructed Muon
vector<double> HadTop_Tru_m Mass of the True Hadronic Top matched to the Reconstructed Hadronic Top
vector<double> HadTop_Tru_charge Charge of the True Hadronic Top matched to the Reconstructed Hadronic Top
vector<double> HadTop_Tru_etIsol Isolated ET of the True Hadronic Top matched to the Reconstructed Hadronic Top
vector<int> HadTop_Tru_Matched 1 if Hadronic Top is matched at Reconstructed level, 0 otherwise
vector<int> HadTop_Tru_pdgId Particle Data Group ID
vector<int> HadTop_Tru_status 1 If status code of True Hadronic Top matches to Reconstructed Hadronic Top
vector<int> HadTop_Tru_BarCode Object identifier
Leptonic Top
Int_t LepTop_N Number of Leptonic Tops
vector<double> LepTop_E Leptonic Top energy
vector<double> LepTop_p_T Leptonic Top transverse momentum
vector<double> LepTop_phi Leptonic Top phi
vector<double> LepTop_eta Leptonic Top eta
vector<double> LepTop_m Leptonic Top mass
vector<double> LepTop_charge Leptonic Top charge
vector<double> LepTop_Tru_DeltaR Distance in Eta-Phi space between True and Reconstructed Leptonic Tops
vector<double> LepTop_Tru_E Energy of the True Leptonic Top matched to the Reconstructed Leptonic Top
vector<double> LepTop_Tru_p_T pT of the True Leptonic Top matched to the Reconstructed Leptonic Top
vector<double> LepTop_Tru_phi Phi of the True Leptonic Top matched to the Reconstructed Leptonic Top
vector<double> LepTop_Tru_eta Eta of the True Muon matched to the Reconstructed Muon
vector<double> LepTop_Tru_m Mass of the True Leptonic Top matched to the Reconstructed Leptonic Top
vector<double> LepTop_Tru_charge Charge of the True Leptonic Top matched to the Reconstructed Leptonic Top
vector<double> LepTop_Tru_etIsol Isolated ET of the True Leptonic Top matched to the Reconstructed Leptonic Top
vector<int> LepTop_Tru_Matched 1 if Leptonic Top is matched at Reconstructed level, 0 otherwise
vector<int> LepTop_Tru_pdgId Particle Data Group ID
vector<int> LepTop_Tru_status 1 If status code of True Leptonic Top matches to Reconstructed Leptonic Top
vector<int> LepTop_Tru_BarCode Object identifier
Int_t Nu_N Number of Neutrinos
vector<double> Nu_E Neutrino energy
vector<double> Nu_p_T Neutrino transverse momentym
vector<double> Nu_phi Neutrino phi
vector<double> Nu_eta Neutrino eta
vector<double> Nu_m Neutrino mass
vector<double> Nu_charge Neutrino charge
vector<double> Nu_Tru_DeltaR Distance in Eta-Phi space between True and Reconstructed Neutrinos
vector<double> Nu_Tru_E Energy of the True Neutrino matched to the Reconstructed Neutrino
vector<double> Nu_Tru_p_T pT of the True Neutrino matched to the Reconstructed Neutrino
vector<double> Nu_Tru_phi Phi of the True Neutrino matched to the Reconstructed Neutrino
vector<double> Nu_Tru_eta Eta of the True Muon matched to the Reconstructed Muon
vector<double> Nu_Tru_m Mass of the True Neutrino matched to the Reconstructed Neutrino
vector<double> Nu_Tru_charge Charge of the True Neutrino matched to the Reconstructed Neutrino
vector<double> Nu_Tru_etIsol Isolated ET of the True Neutrino matched to the Reconstructed Neutrino
vector<int> Nu_Tru_Matched 1 if Neutrino is matched at Reconstructed level, 0 otherwise
vector<int> Nu_Tru_pdgId Particle Data Group ID
vector<int> Nu_Tru_status 1 If status code of True Neutrino matches to Reconstructed Neutrino
vector<int> Nu_Tru_BarCode Object identifier


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