Dan Edmunds Nov 9 (4 days ago) to me Hello Dean, Notes about your CMX Stiffener Bar project: - Goals: Provide prototype stiffener bars for the 2 "Mechanical Only" CMX cards that we are currently making. Provide models of the stiffener bar parts to be sent to the Machine Shop when we ask them to make the production run of real bars for the real CMX cards. Think about such questions as: is there some better way to stiffen the CMX card and are there other mechanical issues about the CMX card that should be integrated into the design of the stiffener bars, e.g. heat sink or front panel component mounting. The prototype bards will be aluminum. The real bars will likely be stainless steel. Thus the prototype bars are not expected to be exactly like the production bars. For example the prototype bars will not be as thin at the top and they do not need radiused corners. - CMX Mechanical Only cards: We are making 2 Mechanical Only CMX cards. One of them will go to CERN in the next couple of weeks to verify that we have the correct overall physical layout and explicitly to verify the correct location of the backplane connectors. The mechanical only cards may also be used to verify such things as the air flow rate past the card and the heat dissipation vs temperature rise that we can expect. They can also be used as "toys" to help develop the front panel layout and other mechanical aspects of the real CMX cards. - I'm Not wetted to the current stiffener bar design: I'm not wetted to the current CMX Stiffener Bar design. Better useful ideas are welcome. Intent is to make it relatively easy to manufacture the production parts in the Machine Shop, e.g. the top and bottom stub brackets differ only in the last step, the top horizontal bar can be made from a bottom horizontal bar. I'm perfectly happy to abandon some current holes and poke new addition holes in the Mechanical Only pcb if it becomes clear that my current layout of the bar mounting holes is not what we want. I'm mostly using 4-40 screws in the stiffener bars themselves and M2.5 in the Euro-Card components e.g. the front panel insert/eject handles. I did this mixed setup because the 4-40 screw heads looked bigger (there is no room for washers on the back side of the card) and I thought that it might be easier for the Machine Shop to tap 4-40 in stainless. - Web Pages: The general MSU information about the CMX card is on the web at: http://www.pa.msu.edu/hep/atlas/l1calo/ Most of the component level information is in a tree starting at: http://www.pa.msu.edu/hep/atlas/l1calo/reference/other/ To understand the location of the drill holes in the current Mechanical Only CMX pcb please see the following 2 files on the web: http://www.pa.msu.edu/~edmunds/scratch/ cmx_0_mech_only_instructions.txt and cmx_mech_only_drill These locations are abc.xyz mm in both X and Y. 0,0 is the lower left-hand corner in standard orientation. You are mostly interested in "tools" i.e. drills 4, 5, 6. Probably not for immediate use in this CMX work but for your general back ground I have put 2 more VME mechanical documents on the web where you can grab them. They are in http://www.pa.msu.edu/~edmunds/read_pdf/ vme_1101_1_specification.pdf and vme_1101_10_rev_1996.pdf You need both of these to have the current full "1101" mechanical specification. Thanks, Dan