# # CMX Backplane Connector #1 Net-to-Pin File # ------------------------------------------------ # # # Original Rev. 29-Aug-2011 # Rev: 11-Apr-2012 (added backplane linear rank "bxxx") # Rev: 06-Sep-2011 remove the linear rank and add comments # Most Recent Rev: 30-Oct-2012 Add "_" to the VME signal names and # make the VME Control Signal names fit # the VME-- document. # # # This is the N2P file for Backplane Connector #1 on the CMX card. # This is a 2mm hard metric 5 Column x 19 Row type "B-19" connector # with ground shield. # # This is connector J1 in the CMX card design. # # This connector carries the "VME--" signals (a custom subset # of VME for A24/D16 transfers only): # # VME_Dnn are the 16 data signals nn=00 to 15 # VME_App are the 23 address signal with pp=01 to 23 # VME_DS_B is the control signal for data strobe # VME_WRITE_B is the control signal for direction control # VME_DTACK_B is the control signal for data transfer acknowledgement # VME_SYS_RESET_B is the control signal for VME reset # # # 'Pxx_yy' are the single ended signals (series terminated at the source) # coming from the JEM or CPM Processor cards in the crate # There are (up to) 16 Processor cards in a crate and xx = 0 to 15 # Each Processor sends 25 signals to the CMX card and yy = 0 to 24 # ## no net on pin J1-A1 . NET 'GROUND' J1-B1 NET 'VME_D00' J1-C1 NET 'VME_D08' J1-D1 NET 'VME_D09' J1-E1 ## no net on pin J1-A2 . NET 'VME_D01' J1-B2 NET 'VME_D02' J1-C2 NET 'VME_D10' J1-D2 NET 'VME_D11' J1-E2 ## no net on pin J1-A3 . NET 'GROUND' J1-B3 NET 'VME_D03' J1-C3 NET 'VME_D12' J1-D3 NET 'VME_D13' J1-E3 ## no net on pin J1-A4 . NET 'VME_D04' J1-B4 NET 'VME_D05' J1-C4 NET 'VME_D14' J1-D4 NET 'VME_D15' J1-E4 ## no net on pin J1-A5 . NET 'GROUND' J1-B5 NET 'VME_D06' J1-C5 NET 'VME_A23' J1-D5 NET 'VME_A22' J1-E5 ## no net on pin J1-A6 . NET 'VME_D07' J1-B6 NET 'GROUND' J1-C6 NET 'VME_A21' J1-D6 NET 'VME_A20' J1-E6 ## no net on pin J1-A7 . NET 'GROUND' J1-B7 NET 'VME_DS_B' J1-C7 NET 'GROUND' J1-D7 NET 'GROUND' J1-E7 ## no net on pin J1-A8 . NET 'VME_WRITE_B' J1-B8 NET 'GROUND' J1-C8 NET 'VME_A18' J1-D8 NET 'VME_A19' J1-E8 ## no net on pin J1-A9 . NET 'GROUND' J1-B9 NET 'VME_DTACK_B' J1-C9 NET 'VME_A16' J1-D9 NET 'VME_A17' J1-E9 NET 'GROUND' J1-A10 NET 'VME_A07' J1-B10 NET 'VME_A06' J1-C10 NET 'VME_A14' J1-D10 NET 'VME_A15' J1-E10 NET 'P0_0' J1-A11 NET 'GROUND' J1-B11 NET 'VME_A05' J1-C11 NET 'VME_A12' J1-D11 NET 'VME_A13' J1-E11 NET 'P0_1' J1-A12 NET 'VME_A04' J1-B12 NET 'VME_A03' J1-C12 NET 'VME_A10' J1-D12 NET 'VME_A11' J1-E12 NET 'P0_2' J1-A13 NET 'GROUND' J1-B13 NET 'VME_A02' J1-C13 NET 'VME_A08' J1-D13 NET 'VME_A09' J1-E13 NET 'P0_3' J1-A14 NET 'VME_SYS_RESET_B' J1-B14 NET 'VME_A01' J1-C14 NET 'GROUND' J1-D14 NET 'GROUND' J1-E14 NET 'P0_4' J1-A15 NET 'P1_0' J1-B15 NET 'GROUND' J1-C15 NET 'P2_0' J1-D15 NET 'P3_0' J1-E15 NET 'P0_5' J1-A16 NET 'GROUND' J1-B16 NET 'P1_1' J1-C16 NET 'P2_1' J1-D16 NET 'P3_1' J1-E16 NET 'P0_6' J1-A17 NET 'P1_2' J1-B17 NET 'P2_2' J1-C17 NET 'GROUND' J1-D17 NET 'P3_2' J1-E17 NET 'P0_7' J1-A18 NET 'GROUND' J1-B18 NET 'P1_3' J1-C18 NET 'P2_3' J1-D18 NET 'P3_3' J1-E18 NET 'P0_8' J1-A19 NET 'P1_4' J1-B19 NET 'P2_4' J1-C19 NET 'GROUND' J1-D19 NET 'P3_4' J1-E19 NET 'GROUND' J1-F1 NET 'GROUND' J1-F3 NET 'GROUND' J1-F5 NET 'GROUND' J1-F7 NET 'GROUND' J1-F9 NET 'GROUND' J1-F11 NET 'GROUND' J1-F13 NET 'GROUND' J1-F15 NET 'GROUND' J1-F17 NET 'GROUND' J1-F19 # # CMX Backplane Connector #2 Net-to-Pin File # ------------------------------------------------ # # # Original Rev. 30-Aug-2011 # Rev: 11-Apr-2012 (added backplane linear rank "bxxx") # Rev: 06-Sep-2011 remove the linear rank and add comments # Most Recent Rev: 30-Oct-2012 Standardize the names of the Geographic # Address signals to indicate that they # come from the VME Backplane Bus. # # # This is the N2P file for Backplane Connector #2 on the CMX card. # This is a 2mm hard metric 5 Column x 19 Row type "B-19" connector # with ground shield. # # This is connector J2 in the CMX card design. # # This connector includes the 4 Geographic Address signals: # VME_Geo_ADRS_0, VME_Geo_ADRS_4, VME_Geo_ADRS_5, VME_Geo_ADRS_6 # # 'Pxx_yy' are the single ended signals (series terminated at the source) # coming from the JEM or CPM Processor cards in the crate # There are (up to) 16 Processor cards in a crate and xx = 0 to 15 # Each Processor sends 25 signals to the CMX card and yy = 0 to 24 # NET 'P0_9' J2-A1 NET 'GROUND' J2-B1 NET 'P1_5' J2-C1 NET 'P2_5' J2-D1 NET 'P3_5' J2-E1 NET 'P0_10' J2-A2 NET 'P1_6' J2-B2 NET 'P2_6' J2-C2 NET 'GROUND' J2-D2 NET 'P3_6' J2-E2 NET 'P0_11' J2-A3 NET 'GROUND' J2-B3 NET 'P1_7' J2-C3 NET 'P2_7' J2-D3 NET 'P3_7' J2-E3 NET 'P0_12' J2-A4 NET 'P1_8' J2-B4 NET 'P2_8' J2-C4 NET 'GROUND' J2-D4 NET 'P3_8' J2-E4 NET 'P0_13' J2-A5 NET 'GROUND' J2-B5 NET 'P1_9' J2-C5 NET 'P2_9' J2-D5 NET 'P3_9' J2-E5 NET 'P0_14' J2-A6 NET 'P1_10' J2-B6 NET 'P2_10' J2-C6 NET 'GROUND' J2-D6 NET 'P3_10' J2-E6 NET 'P0_15' J2-A7 NET 'GROUND' J2-B7 NET 'P1_11' J2-C7 NET 'P2_11' J2-D7 NET 'P3_11' J2-E7 NET 'P0_16' J2-A8 NET 'P1_12' J2-B8 NET 'P2_12' J2-C8 NET 'GROUND' J2-D8 NET 'P3_12' J2-E8 NET 'P0_17' J2-A9 NET 'GROUND' J2-B9 NET 'P1_13' J2-C9 NET 'P2_13' J2-D9 NET 'P3_13' J2-E9 NET 'P0_18' J2-A10 NET 'P1_14' J2-B10 NET 'P2_14' J2-C10 NET 'GROUND' J2-D10 NET 'P3_14' J2-E10 NET 'P0_19' J2-A11 NET 'GROUND' J2-B11 NET 'P1_15' J2-C11 NET 'P2_15' J2-D11 NET 'P3_15' J2-E11 NET 'P0_20' J2-A12 NET 'P1_16' J2-B12 NET 'P2_16' J2-C12 NET 'GROUND' J2-D12 NET 'P3_16' J2-E12 NET 'P0_21' J2-A13 NET 'GROUND' J2-B13 NET 'P1_17' J2-C13 NET 'P2_17' J2-D13 NET 'P3_17' J2-E13 NET 'P0_22' J2-A14 NET 'P1_18' J2-B14 NET 'P2_18' J2-C14 NET 'GROUND' J2-D14 NET 'P3_18' J2-E14 NET 'P0_23' J2-A15 NET 'GROUND' J2-B15 NET 'P1_19' J2-C15 NET 'P2_19' J2-D15 NET 'P3_19' J2-E15 NET 'P0_24' J2-A16 NET 'P1_20' J2-B16 NET 'P2_20' J2-C16 NET 'GROUND' J2-D16 NET 'P3_20' J2-E16 NET 'VME_GEO_ADRS_5' J2-A17 NET 'P1_21' J2-B17 NET 'VME_GEO_ADRS_4' J2-C17 NET 'P2_21' J2-D17 NET 'P3_21' J2-E17 NET 'VME_GEO_ADRS_6' J2-A18 NET 'P1_22' J2-B18 NET 'P2_22' J2-C18 NET 'GROUND' J2-D18 NET 'P3_22' J2-E18 NET 'VME_GEO_ADRS_0' J2-A19 NET 'GROUND' J2-B19 NET 'P1_23' J2-C19 NET 'P2_23' J2-D19 NET 'P3_23' J2-E19 NET 'GROUND' J2-F1 NET 'GROUND' J2-F3 NET 'GROUND' J2-F5 NET 'GROUND' J2-F7 NET 'GROUND' J2-F9 NET 'GROUND' J2-F11 NET 'GROUND' J2-F13 NET 'GROUND' J2-F15 NET 'GROUND' J2-F17 NET 'GROUND' J2-F19 # # CMX Backplane Connector #3 Net-to-Pin File # ------------------------------------------------ # # # Original Rev. 07-Sep-2011 # Rev: 11-Apr-2012 (added backplane linear rank "bxxx") # Most Recent Rev: 06-Sep-2011 remove the linear rank and add comments # # # This is the N2P file for Backplane Connector #3 on the CMX card. # This is a 2mm hard metric 5 Column x 19 Row type "B-19" connector # with ground shield. # # This is connector J3 in the CMX card design. # # 'Pxx_yy' are the single ended signals (series terminated at the source) # coming from the JEM or CPM Processor cards in the crate # There are (up to) 16 Processor cards in a crate and xx = 0 to 15 # Each Processor sends 25 signals to the CMX card and yy = 0 to 24 # NET 'P4_0' J3-A1 NET 'P1_24' J3-B1 NET 'P2_24' J3-C1 NET 'GROUND' J3-D1 NET 'P3_24' J3-E1 NET 'P4_1' J3-A2 NET 'GROUND' J3-B2 NET 'P5_0' J3-C2 NET 'P6_0' J3-D2 NET 'P7_0' J3-E2 NET 'P4_2' J3-A3 NET 'P5_1' J3-B3 NET 'P6_1' J3-C3 NET 'GROUND' J3-D3 NET 'P7_1' J3-E3 NET 'P4_3' J3-A4 NET 'GROUND' J3-B4 NET 'P5_2' J3-C4 NET 'P6_2' J3-D4 NET 'P7_2' J3-E4 NET 'P4_4' J3-A5 NET 'P5_3' J3-B5 NET 'P6_3' J3-C5 NET 'GROUND' J3-D5 NET 'P7_3' J3-E5 NET 'P4_5' J3-A6 NET 'GROUND' J3-B6 NET 'P5_4' J3-C6 NET 'P6_4' J3-D6 NET 'P7_4' J3-E6 NET 'P4_6' J3-A7 NET 'P5_5' J3-B7 NET 'P6_5' J3-C7 NET 'GROUND' J3-D7 NET 'P7_5' J3-E7 NET 'P4_7' J3-A8 NET 'GROUND' J3-B8 NET 'P5_6' J3-C8 NET 'P6_6' J3-D8 NET 'P7_6' J3-E8 NET 'P4_8' J3-A9 NET 'P5_7' J3-B9 NET 'P6_7' J3-C9 NET 'GROUND' J3-D9 NET 'P7_7' J3-E9 NET 'P4_9' J3-A10 NET 'GROUND' J3-B10 NET 'P5_8' J3-C10 NET 'P6_8' J3-D10 NET 'P7_8' J3-E10 NET 'P4_10' J3-A11 NET 'P5_9' J3-B11 NET 'P6_9' J3-C11 NET 'GROUND' J3-D11 NET 'P7_9' J3-E11 NET 'P4_11' J3-A12 NET 'GROUND' J3-B12 NET 'P5_10' J3-C12 NET 'P6_10' J3-D12 NET 'P7_10' J3-E12 NET 'P4_12' J3-A13 NET 'P5_11' J3-B13 NET 'P6_11' J3-C13 NET 'GROUND' J3-D13 NET 'P7_11' J3-E13 NET 'P4_13' J3-A14 NET 'GROUND' J3-B14 NET 'P5_12' J3-C14 NET 'P6_12' J3-D14 NET 'P7_12' J3-E14 NET 'P4_14' J3-A15 NET 'P5_13' J3-B15 NET 'P6_13' J3-C15 NET 'GROUND' J3-D15 NET 'P7_13' J3-E15 NET 'P4_15' J3-A16 NET 'GROUND' J3-B16 NET 'P5_14' J3-C16 NET 'P6_14' J3-D16 NET 'P7_14' J3-E16 NET 'P4_16' J3-A17 NET 'P5_15' J3-B17 NET 'P6_15' J3-C17 NET 'GROUND' J3-D17 NET 'P7_15' J3-E17 NET 'P4_17' J3-A18 NET 'GROUND' J3-B18 NET 'P5_16' J3-C18 NET 'P6_16' J3-D18 NET 'P7_16' J3-E18 NET 'P4_18' J3-A19 NET 'P5_17' J3-B19 NET 'P6_17' J3-C19 NET 'GROUND' J3-D19 NET 'P7_17' J3-E19 NET 'GROUND' J3-F1 NET 'GROUND' J3-F3 NET 'GROUND' J3-F5 NET 'GROUND' J3-F7 NET 'GROUND' J3-F9 NET 'GROUND' J3-F11 NET 'GROUND' J3-F13 NET 'GROUND' J3-F15 NET 'GROUND' J3-F17 NET 'GROUND' J3-F19 # # CMX Backplane Connector #4 Net-to-Pin File # ------------------------------------------------ # # # Original Rev. 07-Sep-2011 # Rev: 11-Apr-2012 (added backplane linear rank "bxxx") # Rev: 06-Sep-2011 remove the linear rank and add comments # Most Recent Rev: 22-July-2013 Until now the pins have # been connected to the GROUND net. Now # connect them to the REAR_CG_GND net. # There are 6 of the pins in connector J4. # # # # # This is the N2P file for Backplane Connector #4 on the CMX card. # This is a 2mm hard metric 5 Column x 19 Row type "B-19" connector # with ground shield. # # This is connector J4 in the CMX card design. # # 'Pxx_yy' are the single ended signals (series terminated at the source) # coming from the JEM or CPM Processor cards in the crate # There are (up to) 16 Processor cards in a crate and xx = 0 to 15 # Each Processor sends 25 signals to the CMX card and yy = 0 to 24 # # 'M_zz_POS' and 'M_zz_NEG' are the LVDS signal used for Cable IO # from a Crate CMX card to a System CMX card. 'M_zz_POS' is the # non-inverted signal and 'M_zz_NEG' is the inverted signal. # There are up to 3 cables used for a given CMX card. # A Crate CMX card uses one cable as output only, while a System CMX # card receives 2 or 3 cables as input. # A Rear Transition Module (RTM) card provides the interface to the # three 34-signal LVDS connectors. # Only 27 signals from each connector are routed on the current RTM cards. # zz=0 to 26 correspond to the first cable, # zz=27 to 53 correspond to the second cable, and # zz=54 to 80 correspond to the third cable. # Additionally, 3 more sets of signals are labelled on the backplane # but are not routed on the RTM: zz= 31 to 83 # NET 'P4_19' J4-A1 NET 'GROUND' J4-B1 NET 'P5_18' J4-C1 NET 'P6_18' J4-D1 NET 'P7_18' J4-E1 NET 'P4_20' J4-A2 NET 'P5_19' J4-B2 NET 'P6_19' J4-C2 NET 'GROUND' J4-D2 NET 'P7_19' J4-E2 NET 'P4_21' J4-A3 NET 'GROUND' J4-B3 NET 'P5_20' J4-C3 NET 'P6_20' J4-D3 NET 'P7_20' J4-E3 NET 'P4_22' J4-A4 NET 'P5_21' J4-B4 NET 'P6_21' J4-C4 NET 'GROUND' J4-D4 NET 'P7_21' J4-E4 NET 'P4_23' J4-A5 NET 'GROUND' J4-B5 NET 'P5_22' J4-C5 NET 'P6_22' J4-D5 NET 'P7_22' J4-E5 NET 'P4_24' J4-A6 NET 'P5_23' J4-B6 NET 'P6_23' J4-C6 NET 'GROUND' J4-D6 NET 'P7_23' J4-E6 NET 'GROUND' J4-A7 NET 'GROUND' J4-B7 NET 'P5_24' J4-C7 NET 'P6_24' J4-D7 NET 'P7_24' J4-E7 NET 'M_00_POS' J4-A8 NET 'M_01_POS' J4-B8 NET 'M_02_POS' J4-C8 NET 'M_03_POS' J4-D8 NET 'M_04_POS' J4-E8 NET 'M_00_NEG' J4-A9 NET 'M_01_NEG' J4-B9 NET 'M_02_NEG' J4-C9 NET 'M_03_NEG' J4-D9 NET 'M_04_NEG' J4-E9 NET 'M_05_POS' J4-A10 NET 'M_06_POS' J4-B10 NET 'M_07_POS' J4-C10 NET 'REAR_CG_GND' J4-D10 # this is a cable ground NET 'M_08_POS' J4-E10 NET 'M_05_NEG' J4-A11 NET 'M_06_NEG' J4-B11 NET 'M_07_NEG' J4-C11 NET 'REAR_CG_GND' J4-D11 # this is a cable ground NET 'M_08_NEG' J4-E11 NET 'M_09_POS' J4-A12 NET 'M_10_POS' J4-B12 NET 'M_11_POS' J4-C12 NET 'M_12_POS' J4-D12 NET 'M_13_POS' J4-E12 NET 'M_09_NEG' J4-A13 NET 'M_10_NEG' J4-B13 NET 'M_11_NEG' J4-C13 NET 'M_12_NEG' J4-D13 NET 'M_13_NEG' J4-E13 NET 'M_14_POS' J4-A14 NET 'REAR_CG_GND' J4-B14 # this is a cable ground NET 'M_15_POS' J4-C14 NET 'M_16_POS' J4-D14 NET 'M_17_POS' J4-E14 NET 'M_14_NEG' J4-A15 NET 'REAR_CG_GND' J4-B15 # this is a cable ground NET 'M_15_NEG' J4-C15 NET 'M_16_NEG' J4-D15 NET 'M_17_NEG' J4-E15 NET 'M_18_POS' J4-A16 NET 'M_19_POS' J4-B16 NET 'M_20_POS' J4-C16 NET 'M_21_POS' J4-D16 NET 'M_22_POS' J4-E16 NET 'M_18_NEG' J4-A17 NET 'M_19_NEG' J4-B17 NET 'M_20_NEG' J4-C17 NET 'M_21_NEG' J4-D17 NET 'M_22_NEG' J4-E17 NET 'M_23_POS' J4-A18 NET 'M_24_POS' J4-B18 NET 'M_25_POS' J4-C18 NET 'REAR_CG_GND' J4-D18 # this is a cable ground NET 'M_26_POS' J4-E18 NET 'M_23_NEG' J4-A19 NET 'M_24_NEG' J4-B19 NET 'M_25_NEG' J4-C19 NET 'REAR_CG_GND' J4-D19 # this is a cable ground NET 'M_26_NEG' J4-E19 NET 'GROUND' J4-F1 NET 'GROUND' J4-F3 NET 'GROUND' J4-F5 NET 'GROUND' J4-F7 NET 'GROUND' J4-F9 NET 'GROUND' J4-F11 NET 'GROUND' J4-F13 NET 'GROUND' J4-F15 NET 'GROUND' J4-F17 NET 'GROUND' J4-F19 # # CMX Backplane Connector #5 Net-to-Pin File # ------------------------------------------------ # # # Original Rev. 08-Sep-2011 # Rev: 11-Apr-2012 (added backplane linear rank "bxxx") # Rev: 06-Sep-2011 remove the linear rank and add comments # Most Recent Rev: 22-July-2013 Until now the pins have # been connected to the GROUND net. Now # connect them to the REAR_CG_GND net. # There are 9 of the pins in connector J5. # # # # # This is the N2P file for Backplane Connector #5 on the CMX card. # This is a 2mm hard metric 5 Column x 25 Row type "B-25" connector # with ground shield. # # This is connector J5 in the CMX card design. # # 'Pxx_yy' are the single ended signals (series terminated at the source) # coming from the JEM or CPM Processor cards in the crate # There are (up to) 16 Processor cards in a crate and xx = 0 to 15 # Each Processor sends 25 signals to the CMX card and yy = 0 to 24 # # 'M_zz_POS' and 'M_zz_NEG' are the LVDS signal used for Cable IO # from a Crate CMX card to a System CMX card. 'M_zz_POS' is the # non-inverted signal and 'M_zz_NEG' is the inverted signal. # There are up to 3 cables used for a given CMX card. # A Crate CMX card uses one cable as output only, while a System CMX # card receives 2 or 3 cables as input. # A Rear Transition Module (RTM) card provides the interface to the # three 34-signal LVDS connectors. # Only 27 signals from each connector are routed on the current RTM cards. # zz=0 to 26 correspond to the first cable, # zz=27 to 53 correspond to the second cable, and # zz=54 to 80 correspond to the third cable. # Additionally, 3 more sets of signals are labelled on the backplane # but are not routed on the RTM: zz= 31 to 83 # NET 'M_27_POS' J5-A1 NET 'M_28_POS' J5-B1 NET 'M_29_POS' J5-C1 NET 'M_30_POS' J5-D1 NET 'M_31_POS' J5-E1 NET 'M_27_NEG' J5-A2 NET 'M_28_NEG' J5-B2 NET 'M_29_NEG' J5-C2 NET 'M_30_NEG' J5-D2 NET 'M_31_NEG' J5-E2 NET 'M_32_POS' J5-A3 NET 'REAR_CG_GND' J5-B3 # this is a cable ground NET 'M_33_POS' J5-C3 NET 'M_34_POS' J5-D3 NET 'M_35_POS' J5-E3 NET 'M_32_NEG' J5-A4 NET 'REAR_CG_GND' J5-B4 # this is a cable ground NET 'M_33_NEG' J5-C4 NET 'M_34_NEG' J5-D4 NET 'M_35_NEG' J5-E4 NET 'M_36_POS' J5-A5 NET 'M_37_POS' J5-B5 NET 'M_38_POS' J5-C5 NET 'M_39_POS' J5-D5 NET 'M_40_POS' J5-E5 NET 'M_36_NEG' J5-A6 NET 'M_37_NEG' J5-B6 NET 'M_38_NEG' J5-C6 NET 'M_39_NEG' J5-D6 NET 'M_40_NEG' J5-E6 NET 'M_41_POS' J5-A7 NET 'M_42_POS' J5-B7 NET 'M_43_POS' J5-C7 NET 'REAR_CG_GND' J5-D7 # this is a cable ground NET 'M_44_POS' J5-E7 NET 'M_41_NEG' J5-A8 NET 'M_42_NEG' J5-B8 NET 'M_43_NEG' J5-C8 NET 'REAR_CG_GND' J5-D8 # this is a cable ground NET 'M_44_NEG' J5-E8 NET 'M_45_POS' J5-A9 NET 'M_46_POS' J5-B9 NET 'M_47_POS' J5-C9 NET 'M_48_POS' J5-D9 NET 'M_49_POS' J5-E9 NET 'M_45_NEG' J5-A10 NET 'M_46_NEG' J5-B10 NET 'M_47_NEG' J5-C10 NET 'M_48_NEG' J5-D10 NET 'M_49_NEG' J5-E10 NET 'M_50_POS' J5-A11 NET 'M_51_POS' J5-B11 NET 'REAR_CG_GND' J5-C11 # this is a cable ground NET 'M_52_POS' J5-D11 NET 'M_53_POS' J5-E11 NET 'M_50_NEG' J5-A12 NET 'M_51_NEG' J5-B12 NET 'REAR_CG_GND' J5-C12 # this is a cable ground NET 'M_52_NEG' J5-D12 NET 'M_53_NEG' J5-E12 NET 'GROUND' J5-A13 NET 'M_54_POS' J5-B13 NET 'M_55_POS' J5-C13 NET 'M_56_POS' J5-D13 NET 'M_57_POS' J5-E13 NET 'P8_0' J5-A14 NET 'M_54_NEG' J5-B14 NET 'M_55_NEG' J5-C14 NET 'M_56_NEG' J5-D14 NET 'M_57_NEG' J5-E14 NET 'P8_1' J5-A15 NET 'GROUND' J5-B15 NET 'REAR_CG_GND' J5-C15 # this is a cable ground NET 'M_59_POS' J5-D15 NET 'M_60_POS' J5-E15 NET 'P8_2' J5-A16 NET 'M_58_POS' J5-B16 NET 'REAR_CG_GND' J5-C16 # this is a cable ground NET 'M_59_NEG' J5-D16 NET 'M_60_NEG' J5-E16 NET 'P8_3' J5-A17 NET 'M_58_NEG' J5-B17 NET 'M_61_POS' J5-C17 NET 'M_62_POS' J5-D17 NET 'M_63_POS' J5-E17 NET 'P8_4' J5-A18 NET 'GROUND' J5-B18 NET 'M_61_NEG' J5-C18 NET 'M_62_NEG' J5-D18 NET 'M_63_NEG' J5-E18 NET 'P8_5' J5-A19 NET 'M_64_POS' J5-B19 NET 'M_65_POS' J5-C19 NET 'REAR_CG_GND' J5-D19 # this is a cable ground NET 'M_66_POS' J5-E19 NET 'P8_6' J5-A20 NET 'M_64_NEG' J5-B20 NET 'M_65_NEG' J5-C20 NET 'M_68_POS' J5-D20 NET 'M_66_NEG' J5-E20 NET 'P8_7' J5-A21 NET 'GROUND' J5-B21 NET 'M_67_POS' J5-C21 NET 'M_68_NEG' J5-D21 NET 'M_69_POS' J5-E21 NET 'P8_8' J5-A22 NET 'GROUND' J5-B22 NET 'M_67_NEG' J5-C22 NET 'M_71_POS' J5-D22 NET 'M_69_NEG' J5-E22 NET 'P8_9' J5-A23 NET 'P9_0' J5-B23 NET 'M_70_POS' J5-C23 NET 'M_71_NEG' J5-D23 NET 'M_72_POS' J5-E23 NET 'P8_10' J5-A24 NET 'P9_1' J5-B24 NET 'M_70_NEG' J5-C24 NET 'M_73_POS' J5-D24 NET 'M_72_NEG' J5-E24 NET 'P8_11' J5-A25 NET 'P9_2' J5-B25 NET 'GROUND' J5-C25 NET 'M_73_NEG' J5-D25 NET 'M_74_POS' J5-E25 NET 'GROUND' J5-F1 NET 'GROUND' J5-F3 NET 'GROUND' J5-F5 NET 'GROUND' J5-F7 NET 'GROUND' J5-F9 NET 'GROUND' J5-F11 NET 'GROUND' J5-F13 NET 'GROUND' J5-F15 NET 'GROUND' J5-F17 NET 'GROUND' J5-F19 NET 'GROUND' J5-F21 NET 'GROUND' J5-F23 NET 'GROUND' J5-F25 # # CMX Backplane Connector #6 Net-to-Pin File # ------------------------------------------------ # # # Original Rev. 08-Sep-2011 # Rev: 11-Apr-2012 (added backplane linear rank "bxxx") # Rev: 06-Sep-2011 remove the linear rank and add comments # Most Recent Rev: 22-July-2013 Until now the pins have # been connected to the GROUND net. Now # connect them to the REAR_CG_GND net. # There are 3 of the pins in connector J6. # # # # This is the N2P file for Backplane Connector #6 on the CMX card. # This is a 2mm hard metric 5 Column x 19 Row type "B-19" connector # with ground shield. # # This is connector J6 in the CMX card design. # # 'Pxx_yy' are the single ended signals (series terminated at the source) # coming from the JEM or CPM Processor cards in the crate # There are (up to) 16 Processor cards in a crate and xx = 0 to 15 # Each Processor sends 25 signals to the CMX card and yy = 0 to 24 # # 'M_zz_POS' and 'M_zz_NEG' are the LVDS signal used for Cable IO # from a Crate CMX card to a System CMX card. 'M_zz_POS' is the # non-inverted signal and 'M_zz_NEG' is the inverted signal. # There are up to 3 cables used for a given CMX card. # A Crate CMX card uses one cable as output only, while a System CMX # card receives 2 or 3 cables as input. # A Rear Transition Module (RTM) card provides the interface to the # three 34-signal LVDS connectors. # Only 27 signals from each connector are routed on the current RTM cards. # zz=0 to 26 correspond to the first cable, # zz=27 to 53 correspond to the second cable, and # zz=54 to 80 correspond to the third cable. # Additionally, 3 more sets of signals are labelled on the backplane # but are not routed on the RTM: zz= 31 to 83 # NET 'P8_12' J6-A1 NET 'GROUND' J6-B1 NET 'P9_3' J6-C1 NET 'M_75_POS' J6-D1 NET 'M_74_NEG' J6-E1 NET 'P8_13' J6-A2 NET 'P9_4' J6-B2 NET 'GROUND' J6-C2 NET 'M_75_NEG' J6-D2 NET 'REAR_CG_GND' J6-E2 # this is a cable ground NET 'P8_14' J6-A3 NET 'GROUND' J6-B3 NET 'P9_5' J6-C3 NET 'M_76_POS' J6-D3 NET 'REAR_CG_GND' J6-E3 # this is a cable ground NET 'P8_15' J6-A4 NET 'P9_6' J6-B4 NET 'GROUND' J6-C4 NET 'M_76_NEG' J6-D4 NET 'M_77_POS' J6-E4 NET 'P8_16' J6-A5 NET 'GROUND' J6-B5 NET 'P9_7' J6-C5 NET 'GROUND' J6-D5 NET 'M_77_NEG' J6-E5 NET 'P8_17' J6-A6 NET 'P9_8' J6-B6 NET 'GROUND' J6-C6 NET 'P10_0' J6-D6 NET 'M_78_POS' J6-E6 NET 'P8_18' J6-A7 NET 'GROUND' J6-B7 NET 'P9_9' J6-C7 NET 'P10_1' J6-D7 NET 'M_78_NEG' J6-E7 NET 'P8_19' J6-A8 NET 'P9_10' J6-B8 NET 'GROUND' J6-C8 NET 'P10_2' J6-D8 NET 'REAR_CG_GND' J6-E8 # this is a cable ground NET 'P8_20' J6-A9 NET 'GROUND' J6-B9 NET 'P9_11' J6-C9 NET 'P10_3' J6-D9 NET 'M_79_POS' J6-E9 NET 'P8_21' J6-A10 NET 'P9_12' J6-B10 NET 'P10_4' J6-C10 NET 'GROUND' J6-D10 NET 'M_79_NEG' J6-E10 NET 'P8_22' J6-A11 NET 'GROUND' J6-B11 NET 'P9_13' J6-C11 NET 'P10_5' J6-D11 NET 'M_80_POS' J6-E11 NET 'P8_23' J6-A12 NET 'P9_14' J6-B12 NET 'P10_6' J6-C12 NET 'GROUND' J6-D12 NET 'M_80_NEG' J6-E12 NET 'P8_24' J6-A13 NET 'GROUND' J6-B13 NET 'P9_15' J6-C13 NET 'P10_7' J6-D13 NET 'GROUND' J6-E13 NET 'M_81_POS' J6-A14 NET 'P9_16' J6-B14 NET 'P10_8' J6-C14 NET 'GROUND' J6-D14 NET 'P11_0' J6-E14 NET 'M_81_NEG' J6-A15 NET 'GROUND' J6-B15 NET 'P9_17' J6-C15 NET 'P10_9' J6-D15 NET 'P11_1' J6-E15 NET 'M_82_POS' J6-A16 NET 'P9_18' J6-B16 NET 'P10_10' J6-C16 NET 'GROUND' J6-D16 NET 'P11_2' J6-E16 NET 'M_82_NEG' J6-A17 NET 'GROUND' J6-B17 NET 'P9_19' J6-C17 NET 'P10_11' J6-D17 NET 'P11_3' J6-E17 NET 'M_83_POS' J6-A18 NET 'P9_20' J6-B18 NET 'P10_12' J6-C18 NET 'GROUND' J6-D18 NET 'P11_4' J6-E18 NET 'M_83_NEG' J6-A19 NET 'GROUND' J6-B19 NET 'P9_21' J6-C19 NET 'P10_13' J6-D19 NET 'P11_5' J6-E19 NET 'GROUND' J6-F1 NET 'GROUND' J6-F3 NET 'GROUND' J6-F5 NET 'GROUND' J6-F7 NET 'GROUND' J6-F9 NET 'GROUND' J6-F11 NET 'GROUND' J6-F13 NET 'GROUND' J6-F15 NET 'GROUND' J6-F17 NET 'GROUND' J6-F19 # # CMX Backplane Connector #7 Net-to-Pin File # ------------------------------------------------ # # # Original Rev. 08-Sep-2011 # Rev: 11-Apr-2012 (added backplane linear rank "bxxx") # Most Recent Rev: 06-Sep-2011 remove the linear rank and add comments # # # This is the N2P file for Backplane Connector #7 on the CMX card. # This is a 2mm hard metric 5 Column x 19 Row type "B-19" connector # with ground shield. # # This is connector J7 in the CMX card design. # # 'Pxx_yy' are the single ended signals (series terminated at the source) # coming from the JEM or CPM Processor cards in the crate # There are (up to) 16 Processor cards in a crate and xx = 0 to 15 # Each Processor sends 25 signals to the CMX card and yy = 0 to 24 # NET 'GROUND' J7-A1 NET 'P9_22' J7-B1 NET 'GROUND' J7-C1 NET 'P10_14' J7-D1 NET 'P11_6' J7-E1 NET 'GROUND' J7-A2 NET 'P9_23' J7-B2 NET 'P10_15' J7-C2 NET 'GROUND' J7-D2 NET 'P11_7' J7-E2 ## no net on pin J7-A3 NET 'P9_24' J7-B3 NET 'GROUND' J7-C3 NET 'P10_16' J7-D3 NET 'P11_8' J7-E3 ## no net on pin J7-A4 ## no net on pin J7-B4 NET 'P10_17' J7-C4 NET 'GROUND' J7-D4 NET 'P11_9' J7-E4 ## no net on pin J7-A5 ## no net on pin J7-B5 NET 'GROUND' J7-C5 NET 'P10_18' J7-D5 NET 'P11_10' J7-E5 ## no net on pin J7-A6 ## no net on pin J7-B6 NET 'P10_19' J7-C6 NET 'GROUND' J7-D6 NET 'P11_11' J7-E6 ## no net on pin J7-A7 ## no net on pin J7-B7 NET 'GROUND' J7-C7 NET 'P10_20' J7-D7 NET 'P11_12' J7-E7 ## no net on pin J7-A8 ## no net on pin J7-B8 NET 'P10_21' J7-C8 NET 'GROUND' J7-D8 NET 'P11_13' J7-E8 NET 'GROUND' J7-A9 NET 'GROUND' J7-B9 NET 'GROUND' J7-C9 NET 'P10_22' J7-D9 NET 'P11_14' J7-E9 NET 'P12_0' J7-A10 NET 'P13_0' J7-B10 NET 'P10_23' J7-C10 NET 'GROUND' J7-D10 NET 'P11_15' J7-E10 NET 'P12_1' J7-A11 NET 'GROUND' J7-B11 NET 'P13_1' J7-C11 NET 'P10_24' J7-D11 NET 'P11_16' J7-E11 NET 'P12_2' J7-A12 NET 'P13_2' J7-B12 NET 'P14_0' J7-C12 NET 'GROUND' J7-D12 NET 'P11_17' J7-E12 NET 'P12_3' J7-A13 NET 'GROUND' J7-B13 NET 'P13_3' J7-C13 NET 'P14_1' J7-D13 NET 'P11_18' J7-E13 NET 'P12_4' J7-A14 NET 'P13_4' J7-B14 NET 'P14_2' J7-C14 NET 'GROUND' J7-D14 NET 'P11_19' J7-E14 NET 'P12_5' J7-A15 NET 'GROUND' J7-B15 NET 'P13_5' J7-C15 NET 'P14_3' J7-D15 NET 'P11_20' J7-E15 NET 'P12_6' J7-A16 NET 'P13_6' J7-B16 NET 'P14_4' J7-C16 NET 'GROUND' J7-D16 NET 'P11_21' J7-E16 NET 'P12_7' J7-A17 NET 'GROUND' J7-B17 NET 'P13_7' J7-C17 NET 'P14_5' J7-D17 NET 'P11_22' J7-E17 NET 'P12_8' J7-A18 NET 'P13_8' J7-B18 NET 'P14_6' J7-C18 NET 'GROUND' J7-D18 NET 'P11_23' J7-E18 NET 'P12_9' J7-A19 NET 'GROUND' J7-B19 NET 'P13_9' J7-C19 NET 'P14_7' J7-D19 NET 'P11_24' J7-E19 NET 'GROUND' J7-F1 NET 'GROUND' J7-F3 NET 'GROUND' J7-F5 NET 'GROUND' J7-F7 NET 'GROUND' J7-F9 NET 'GROUND' J7-F11 NET 'GROUND' J7-F13 NET 'GROUND' J7-F15 NET 'GROUND' J7-F17 NET 'GROUND' J7-F19 # # CMX Backplane Connector #8 Net-to-Pin File # ------------------------------------------------ # # # Original Rev. 08-Sep-2011 # Rev: 11-Apr-2012 (added backplane linear rank "bxxx") # Most Recent Rev: 06-Sep-2011 remove the linear rank and add comments # # # This is the N2P file for Backplane Connector #8 on the CMX card. # This is a 2mm hard metric 5 Column x 25 Row type "B-25" connector # with ground shield. # # This is connector J8 in the CMX card design. # # 'Pxx_yy' are the single ended signals (series terminated at the source) # coming from the JEM or CPM Processor cards in the crate # There are (up to) 16 Processor cards in a crate and xx = 0 to 15 # Each Processor sends 25 signals to the CMX card and yy = 0 to 24 # # TTC_POS and TTC_NEG is the differential input for the Timing, Trigger and Control signal # # CAN_POS and CAN_NEG is the differential CANbus signal # NET 'P12_10' J8-A1 NET 'P13_10' J8-B1 NET 'P14_8' J8-C1 NET 'GROUND' J8-D1 NET 'P15_0' J8-E1 NET 'P12_11' J8-A2 NET 'GROUND' J8-B2 NET 'P13_11' J8-C2 NET 'P14_9' J8-D2 NET 'P15_1' J8-E2 NET 'P12_12' J8-A3 NET 'P13_12' J8-B3 NET 'P14_10' J8-C3 NET 'GROUND' J8-D3 NET 'P15_2' J8-E3 NET 'P12_13' J8-A4 NET 'GROUND' J8-B4 NET 'P13_13' J8-C4 NET 'P14_11' J8-D4 NET 'P15_3' J8-E4 NET 'P12_14' J8-A5 NET 'P13_14' J8-B5 NET 'P14_12' J8-C5 NET 'GROUND' J8-D5 NET 'P15_4' J8-E5 NET 'P12_15' J8-A6 NET 'GROUND' J8-B6 NET 'P13_15' J8-C6 NET 'P14_13' J8-D6 NET 'P15_5' J8-E6 NET 'P12_16' J8-A7 NET 'P13_16' J8-B7 NET 'P14_14' J8-C7 NET 'GROUND' J8-D7 NET 'P15_6' J8-E7 NET 'P12_17' J8-A8 NET 'GROUND' J8-B8 NET 'P13_17' J8-C8 NET 'P14_15' J8-D8 NET 'P15_7' J8-E8 NET 'P12_18' J8-A9 NET 'P13_18' J8-B9 NET 'P14_16' J8-C9 NET 'GROUND' J8-D9 NET 'P15_8' J8-E9 NET 'P12_19' J8-A10 NET 'GROUND' J8-B10 NET 'P13_19' J8-C10 NET 'P14_17' J8-D10 NET 'P15_9' J8-E10 NET 'P12_20' J8-A11 NET 'P13_20' J8-B11 NET 'P14_18' J8-C11 NET 'GROUND' J8-D11 NET 'P15_10' J8-E11 NET 'P12_21' J8-A12 NET 'GROUND' J8-B12 NET 'P13_21' J8-C12 NET 'P14_19' J8-D12 NET 'P15_11' J8-E12 NET 'P12_22' J8-A13 NET 'P13_22' J8-B13 NET 'P14_20' J8-C13 NET 'GROUND' J8-D13 NET 'P15_12' J8-E13 NET 'P12_23' J8-A14 NET 'GROUND' J8-B14 NET 'P13_23' J8-C14 NET 'P14_21' J8-D14 NET 'P15_13' J8-E14 NET 'P12_24' J8-A15 NET 'P13_24' J8-B15 NET 'P14_22' J8-C15 NET 'GROUND' J8-D15 NET 'P15_14' J8-E15 ## no net on pin J8-A16 ## no net on pin J8-B16 NET 'GROUND' J8-C16 NET 'P14_23' J8-D16 NET 'P15_15' J8-E16 ## no net on pin J8-A17 ## no net on pin J8-B17 NET 'P14_24' J8-C17 NET 'GROUND' J8-D17 NET 'P15_16' J8-E17 ## no net on pin J8-A18 ## no net on pin J8-B18 ## no net on pin J8-C18 ## no net on pin J8-D18 NET 'P15_17' J8-E18 ## no net on pin J8-A19 ## no net on pin J8-B19 ## no net on pin J8-C19 NET 'GROUND' J8-D19 NET 'P15_18' J8-E19 ## no net on pin J8-A20 ## no net on pin J8-B20 ## no net on pin J8-C20 ## no net on pin J8-D20 NET 'P15_19' J8-E20 ## no net on pin J8-A21 ## no net on pin J8-B21 ## no net on pin J8-C21 NET 'GROUND' J8-D21 NET 'P15_20' J8-E21 ## no net on pin J8-A22 ## no net on pin J8-B22 ## no net on pin J8-C22 ## no net on pin J8-D22 NET 'P15_21' J8-E22 NET 'GROUND' J8-A23 NET 'GROUND' J8-B23 NET 'GROUND' J8-C23 NET 'GROUND' J8-D23 NET 'P15_22' J8-E23 NET 'CAN_POS' J8-A24 NET 'GROUND' J8-B24 NET 'TTC_POS' J8-C24 NET 'GROUND' J8-D24 NET 'P15_23' J8-E24 NET 'CAN_NEG' J8-A25 NET 'GROUND' J8-B25 NET 'TTC_NEG' J8-C25 NET 'GROUND' J8-D25 NET 'P15_24' J8-E25 NET 'GROUND' J8-F1 NET 'GROUND' J8-F3 NET 'GROUND' J8-F5 NET 'GROUND' J8-F7 NET 'GROUND' J8-F9 NET 'GROUND' J8-F11 NET 'GROUND' J8-F13 NET 'GROUND' J8-F15 NET 'GROUND' J8-F17 NET 'GROUND' J8-F19 NET 'GROUND' J8-F21 NET 'GROUND' J8-F23 NET 'GROUND' J8-F25 # # CMX Backplane Connector J9 Net-to-Pin File # ------------------------------------------------- # # # Original Rev. 08-Sep-2011 # Most Recent Rev. 16-Jan-2013 # # # This is the N2P file for Backplane Connector J9. # This is the power connector at the bottom of the CMX card. # # Connector J9 is geometry conn_power_zpack in the CMX card design. # # Define the nets going to each contact in this power connector. # # The upper contact, i.e. contact #2, is pin numbers # 1, 3, 4, 5. This is the 3.3 Volt backplane bus and # is not used on the CMX card. These will be NO_CONN # single point nets in the overall CMX net list. # # The middle contact, i.e. contact #6, is pin numbers # 8, 9, 11, 12. This is the power ground connection # (return) on the CMX card. # # The bottom contact, i.e. contact #10, is pin numbers # 14, 15, 16, 17. This is the backplane 5.0 Volt power # bus supply to the CMX card. # NET 'No_Conn_J9_PIN_1' J9-1 # No Connection to J9 Pin 1 NET 'No_Conn_J9_PIN_3' J9-3 # No Connection to J9 Pin 3 NET 'No_Conn_J9_PIN_4' J9-4 # No Connection to J9 Pin 4 NET 'No_Conn_J9_PIN_5' J9-5 # No Connection to J9 Pin 5 NET 'GROUND' J9-8 J9-9 J9-11 J9-12 NET 'BK_PLN_5V0' J9-14 J9-15 J9-16 J9-17