Starting Match_Resource_to_Pin V3.1 -- Thu Oct 10 12:05:43 2013 Reading Resource to Pin dictionary from Found 1022 Resource Names in dictionary Opening Input Net to Resource file Opening Output Net to Pin File Opening Output User Constraint File Processing Net to Resource File and Matching Pins Starting Resource Usage Consistency Check Matched 1022 Resources to Pins No Resource dictionary item was used multiple times No Resource dictionary item was left unused Done Starting Match_Resource_to_Pin V3.1 -- Thu Oct 10 12:05:44 2013 Reading Resource to Pin dictionary from Found 1022 Resource Names in dictionary Opening Input Net to Resource file Opening Output Net to Pin File Opening Output User Constraint File Processing Net to Resource File and Matching Pins Starting Resource Usage Consistency Check Matched 1022 Resources to Pins No Resource dictionary item was used multiple times No Resource dictionary item was left unused Done Starting Match_Resource_to_Pin V3.1 -- Thu Oct 10 12:05:44 2013 Reading Resource to Pin dictionary from <../Minipod_Resources/minipod_transmitter_r2p.txt> Found 24 Resource Names in dictionary Opening Input Net to Resource file <../Minipod_Assign/highspeed_transmitter_1_minipod_n2r.txt> Opening Output Net to Pin File Opening Output User Constraint File Processing Net to Resource File and Matching Pins Starting Resource Usage Consistency Check Matched 24 Resources to Pins No Resource dictionary item was used multiple times No Resource dictionary item was left unused Done Starting Match_Resource_to_Pin V3.1 -- Thu Oct 10 12:05:45 2013 Reading Resource to Pin dictionary from <../Minipod_Resources/minipod_transmitter_r2p.txt> Found 24 Resource Names in dictionary Opening Input Net to Resource file <../Minipod_Assign/highspeed_transmitter_2_minipod_n2r.txt> Opening Output Net to Pin File Opening Output User Constraint File Processing Net to Resource File and Matching Pins Starting Resource Usage Consistency Check Matched 24 Resources to Pins No Resource dictionary item was used multiple times No Resource dictionary item was left unused Done Starting Match_Resource_to_Pin V3.1 -- Thu Oct 10 12:05:45 2013 Reading Resource to Pin dictionary from <../Minipod_Resources/minipod_receiver_r2p.txt> Found 24 Resource Names in dictionary Opening Input Net to Resource file <../Minipod_Assign/highspeed_receiver_1_minipod_n2r.txt> Opening Output Net to Pin File Opening Output User Constraint File Processing Net to Resource File and Matching Pins Starting Resource Usage Consistency Check Matched 24 Resources to Pins No Resource dictionary item was used multiple times No Resource dictionary item was left unused Done Starting Match_Resource_to_Pin V3.1 -- Thu Oct 10 12:05:45 2013 Reading Resource to Pin dictionary from <../Minipod_Resources/minipod_receiver_r2p.txt> Found 24 Resource Names in dictionary Opening Input Net to Resource file <../Minipod_Assign/highspeed_receiver_2_minipod_n2r.txt> Opening Output Net to Pin File Opening Output User Constraint File Processing Net to Resource File and Matching Pins Starting Resource Usage Consistency Check Matched 24 Resources to Pins No Resource dictionary item was used multiple times No Resource dictionary item was left unused Done Starting Match_Resource_to_Pin V3.1 -- Thu Oct 10 12:05:46 2013 Reading Resource to Pin dictionary from <../Minipod_Resources/minipod_receiver_r2p.txt> Found 24 Resource Names in dictionary Opening Input Net to Resource file <../Minipod_Assign/highspeed_receiver_3_minipod_n2r.txt> Opening Output Net to Pin File Opening Output User Constraint File Processing Net to Resource File and Matching Pins Starting Resource Usage Consistency Check Matched 24 Resources to Pins No Resource dictionary item was used multiple times No Resource dictionary item was left unused Done