# # CMX-0 Nets File # # Power Supervisor Board Power OK Logic # ----------------------------------------- # # # Original Rev. 8-Apr-2013 # Most Recent Rev. 14-May-2013 # # # # This file holds all of the nets that are part of # the logic that generates the: BOARD_POWER_OK, # BOARD_POWER_OK_B, and BOARD_POWER_OK_LED_B # signals. # # This all starts from the PRE_BOARD_POWER_OK # signal that comes from the wire-or of the # comparator outputs in the Power Supply Supervisor # section of the net list, i.e. U1861 & U1862. # # This logic is located next to (and is kind of part of) # the Hardwired Oversight Logic. # # # BOARD_POWER_OK is voltage HI only when all supplies are OK. # # BOARD_POWER_OK_B is voltage LOW only when all supplies are OK. # # BOARD_POWER_LED_B is voltage LOW only when all supplies are OK. # # # # # # Components Referenced in this Net List: # # U365 74LVC04A Inverter/Driver for BOARD_POWER_OK signals # # R394 4.7k Ohm Pull-Up to 3V3 for the PRE_BOARD_POWER_OK signal # # C459, C460 47 nFd and 100 nFd bypass on # the 3.3V supply for U365 # # NET 'PRE_BOARD_POWER_OK' U365-1 # Input to the first Inv/Drv NET 'PRE_BOARD_POWER_OK' R394-1 # Pull-Up on PRE_BOARD_POWER_OK NET 'BULK_3V3' R394-2 # Pull-Up connection to BULK_3V3 NET 'BRD_PWR_OK_MID_B' U365-2 # Buff and Inv PRE_BOARD_POWER_OK NET 'BRD_PWR_OK_MID_B' U365-5 # Input to the BOARD_POWER_OK Driver NET 'BOARD_POWER_OK' U365-6 # BOARD_POWER_OK signal # Voltage HI when all power # supplies are running OK. NET 'BRD_PWR_OK_MID_B' U365-3 # Input to the BOARD_POWER_MID Inv NET 'BRD_PWR_OK_MID' U365-4 # BOARD_POWER_MID signal NET 'BRD_PWR_OK_MID' U365-11 # Input to the BOARD_POWER_OK_B Driver NET 'BOARD_POWER_OK_B' U365-10 # BOARD_POWER_OK_B signal # Voltage HI when any power # supply is not running OK. # Voltage LOW when all are OK. NET 'BRD_PWR_OK_MID' U365-9 # Input to the BOARD_POWER_LED_B Driver NET 'BOARD_POWER_LED_B' U365-8 # BOARD_POWER_LED signal # Voltage LOW when all are OK. # Power and Ground for U365 BUL_3V3 power NET 'BULK_3V3' U365-14 NET 'GROUND' U365-7 # Bypass Capacitors on BULK_3V3 for U365 NET 'BULK_3V3' C459-1 C460-1 # ByPass Cap 3.3V power for U365 NET 'GROUND' C459-2 C460-2 # ByPass Cap Ground connections