# # This is for a TWO Virtex CMX card - BF and TP # # # This is an Impact Batch file to make the BF_IO_Delay_Test in the BF FPGA # TP_C4_Safe_TP in the TP FPGA # # Usage: impact -batch this_file_name # # The BF .bit file that is used to make this .ace file is: # # /home/cmxuser/Xilinx/CMX_tests/CMX_test_lvds_and_dyn_backplane/CMX_test_lvds_and_dyn_backplane_BF.bit # # and the TP .bit file that is used to make this .ace file is: # # /home/cmxuser/Xilinx/CMX_prod_testing/TP/TP_C4_Safe_TP/cmx_top.bit # # # The "collection name" made by Impact running this batch file is: BFTP_IOD # This is the name of the directory under the "path" attribute # where this ACE file will be built. # setMode -cf setAttribute -configdevice -attr path -value "/home/cmxuser/D_Edmunds/ACE_Files" setAttribute -configdevice -attr size -value "402653184" setAttribute -configdevice -attr name -value "XCCACE-AUTO" addCollection -name "BFTP_IOD" addDesign -version 0 -name "rev0" addDeviceChain -index 0 setCurrentDesign -version 0 addDevice -position 1 -file "/home/cmxuser/Xilinx/CMX_tests/CMX_test_lvds_and_dyn_backplane/CMX_test_lvds_and_dyn_backplane_BF.bit" addDevice -position 2 -file "/home/cmxuser/Xilinx/CMX_prod_testing/TP/TP_C4_Safe_TP/cmx_top.bit" generate -active BF_IO__Delay_TP_Safe quit