Questions from Richard: Rev. 11-May-2014 ----------------------- 1) It would be good to have a rough idea of power consumption of the CMX, the current drawn from the 5V input, with for example the CMX running in a CMM Emulation mode. There isnt much headroom in the crate power. (Fortunately the upgraded CPMs will each take slightly less power.Sorry I dont have a value to hand) I'm sorry but we have no measurements of power consumption when the CMX is running Physics Trigger firmware, e.g. CMM emulation. The estimates of the power consumption provided by the Xilinx tools that I have seen for draft versions of the Physics Trigger firmware are too low to be believed. The only actual measurements that I have are the quiescent power draw and power draw while running the GTX MiniPOD link test. The GTX MiniPOD link generates data in the BF FPGA, sends it out through a MiniPOD transmitter, receives it with a MiniPOD receiver and checks the received data in the TP FPGA. This test operates all 12 channels in a MiniPOD at 6.4 Gbps. The power consumption numbers that I have are: - the measured quiescent power draw of a CMX with the TP FPGA installed is about 22.4 Watts - the estimated quiescent power draw of a standard CMX card without the TP FPGA is about 19 or 20 Watts. - the measured power draw of a CMX card with a TP FPGA while running the GTX MiniPOD link test is about 36.8 Watts Two CMX cards (one with the TP FPGA and one "standard" card without a TP FPGA) have been operated in a crate in USA15. Perhaps there is monitoring data available from that crate's power supply that would show how it was getting along when these CMX cards were installed. 2) Have you tested all MGTs together, maybe with all the cable drivers running too. I too would like to see all 24 GTX MiniPOD transmitter channels operating at once and all 36 GTX MiniPOD receiver channels doing the same. L1Calo does not own this functionality until we have proven that it works. I believe that there was a firmware issue trying to put in an IBERT core that operates all of the GTX transceiver channels at once. I need to ask Wojtek and Pawel about this. On the CMX project I'm are not involved with the firmware. As your question hints, the Xilinx GTX documentation gives some warnings about heavy use of the FPGA's Select I/O in parallel with use of its GTX transceivers. The CMX Physics application includes relatively heavy use of potentially noise generating Select I/O output lines, e.g. the simultaneous switching of the 66 BF FPGA outputs for the CTP signals. We have discussed the wisdom of setting the speed and drive level of these BF FPGA outputs no higher than necessary. Other applications of the CMX will include BF FPGA output pins in operation driving signals to the backplane LVDS cable transceivers. Another area of concern with the operation of the BF FPGA is that simultaneously switching outputs on this part will make enough ground noise to interfere with its reception of the 400 single ended backplane processor signals. From measurements and simulation we know that the valid sampling window for these signals is small and that they are not spending much time at guaranteed valid logic levels. Noise in the BF FPGA's ground or VCCO structures reduces the valid sampling window of the backplane processor signals. The BF FPGA firmware that is used to test and characterize the receptions of the backplane processor signals includes sending junk data out the CTP driver pins just to generate the same type of noise environment that we know will exist when the real Physics Trigger firmware is in operation.